Budapest Főváros VIII. kerület
Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat

1082 Budapest, Baross u. 63-67.



Measures of Józsefváros Municipality under the third wave of Covid

2021. április 01. csütörtök

Information about the operation of the Mayor’s Office as well as the companies and institutions of the 8th district between March 8 and May 23, 2021.


On April 19, 2021 kindergartens and the lower levels of elementary school reopen for in-person teaching. In the upper levels and in high schools, digital education continues. Nurseries continue to be open, but we ask you to keep your children at home, if possible, to avoid overcrowding. Digital education continues in higher education.

The curfew will is between 10pm and 5pm

Stores can be open between 5am and 9.30pm.

There are only a limited number of people allowed to be in stores at the same time (one customer per 10 sqm on average). You have a distance of 1.5 sqm in stores, too.

Restaurants and bars are still not allowed to welcome customers on the premises, but home delivery and takeout services are allowed.

Hotels cannot host guests.

No gathering or events are allowed

Nurseries are open, but kindergartens, schools and universities are closed or on digital education.

Everybody must wear a facemask in Józsefváros, including parks and green fields. Exceptions are children under 6 years of age and people living with mental or psychosocial disabilities and autism.


Students living in the district (regardless of whether they go to school in or outside the district) are provided with catering. If you would like take this this opportunity, please contact one of the following institutions:

Molnár Ferenc Általános Iskola, Józsefvárosi Egységes Módszertani Intézet és Általános Iskola, Lakatos Menyhért Általános Iskola: Laura Schakel, 06 20 227 7451,

Losonci Téri Általános Iskola, Német László Általános Iskola: Mónika Gábor, 06 20 214 9118,

Vajda Péter Általános Iskola, Deák Diák Általános Iskola: Józsefné Gregus, 06 20 219 5738,

Food center

06 1 210 76 37 (press 25)

Szilvia Horváth: 06 20 221 1445

Krisztina Balázsné Machnyik: 06 20 522 21 24


You can find up-to-date information about kindergartens here:

Should you have any questions regarding institutional catering, contact the kindergarten of your child or Szilvia Horváth at 0620-221-1445.


Nurseries are open, but the municipality takes extra measures to find ways to decrease the infection risk of employees. Should you have any questions regarding nursery care, please contact the institution of your child:


The company responsible for municipal management and maintenance continues the increased disinfecting of playgrounds and the areas around pharmacies. The Teleki square market and playgrounds are open, but we advise everyone to be extra mindful and responsible in these locations.

News and changes about the customer service of JGK Zrt. during the pandemic are available on their website:


Our social service institutions will enhance home office in their everyday work, while also making sure that no one is left without help. Residential institutions are operating at full capacity, but there is a ban on visitation. The child welfare and family support centers have suspended family visits and only allow in-person services in exceptional cases after making an appointment.

If you need help, please call the Józsefvárosi Szociális Szolgáltató és Gyermekjóléti Központ Család- és Gyermekvédelmi Szolgálat at the following numbers: 061-333-0582, 06-20-426-7257 or write an email to

If you need help with free food, please contact our toll-free number: 06-80-277-256 (weekdays from 8am to 6pm and weekends between 10am and 6pm).


All of our services switched to digital learning.

We welcome donations of equipment for digital learning for disadvantaged children at our toll-free number 06-80-277-256 (weekdays from 8am to 6pm and weekends between 10am and 6pm).

If you need equipment for your children for digital learning, please contact our toll-free number 06-80-277-256 (weekdays from 8am to 6pm and weekends between 10am and 6pm).


Mass vaccination is underway in Hungary, administered mostly by family doctors. We ask you for your patience when contacting your family doctors because of their increased work load.

The municipality does not have information about the timeline and registration of vaccinations, so if you have any specific questions regarding vaccines, please contact your family doctor:

You can register for a Covid vaccine here:

You can find up-to-date information about vaccination and the pandemic here:


Between March 8 and May 23, only those public servants are allowed to work in the Mayor’s Office whose work is essential for fighting the pandemic or who are unable to perform their work from home. In person customer service is closed and we are not able to do any in-person business during this time. We have placed a box at the reception of the mayor’s office, but only documents related to birth and death as well as request for financial assistance can be submitted there. You can also request documents related to financial assistance from the receptionists. In all other matters, you can correspond with us by mail or in an electronic way.

If you have any questions, please contacts our staff by phone. We thank you for your patience in these uncertain and increasingly difficult times!

Address of the Mayor’s Office: 1082 Budapest, Baross u. 63-67.

Toll-free number 06-80-277-256 (weekdays from 8am to 6pm and weekends between 10am and 6pm)

You can find information about conducting your business electronically at the municipality here:

If you would like to request financial assistance, you can find more information here:

You can find all the units of the Mayor’s Office here:

If you would like to reach our staff directly, please contact them at the following phone numbers or by email:

Anyakönyvi Iroda (Registry Office)

General information: 061/459 2176

Zsuzsanna Nyeste: 0620/319-0787

Klaudia Mató: 0620/236-8007

You can submit documents to the Registry Office every day from 8am to 11am at the reception of the Mayor’s Office only in the following cases:

- records of birth

- documents related to deaths

We have suspended the administration of all other documents.

Családtámogatási Iroda (Family Support Office)

General information: Ibolya Nagy - 061/459-2277, 0620/539-0533

If you would like to submit a request for financial support, please contact us at the above phone numbers or call the toll-free number: 06-80-277-256 (weekdays from 8am to 6pm and weekends between 10am and 6pm) so that we can inform you about the latest procedures.

You can submit your request for financial assistance at the reception of the Mayor’s Office where we will provide you with an envelope. You can also pick up request documents here, but you are not allowed to fill them in on the spot. If you have any questions regarding the filing of requests, please always contact the above phone numbers because the receptionists are not able to help you with specific information.

You can pick up or submit documentation for financial assistance at the following times:

Monday 8:00-18:00

Tuesday 8:00-16:00

Wednesday 8:00-16.30

Thursday 8:00-16:00

Friday 8:00-13.30

The cashier’s desk at the Mayor’s Office is open every Tuesday and Thursday between 9.00 - 11.00

Adóügyi Iroda (Tax Office)

General information: 0620/377-6854

Information about communal tax: 0620/352-3396

Information about balances and transfers: 0620/352-0752

Interpretation of tax law and other tax-related procedures (e.g. building tax): 0620/377-6890

Special and individual tax cases: 0620/246-0945

Kerületgazdálkodási Iroda (District Management Office)

dr. Tímea Győry: 06/20-449-3332

Hatósági Ügyosztály (Authority Office)

Dr. Éva Kóródi: 0620/283-6755

Igazgatási Iroda (Administration Office)

Csaba Tóth: 0620/393-5598

János Bednár: 0670/907-5862

Questions related to the use of public space: Ramóna Gyuricza 0620/2619981

Városépítészeti Iroda (Civic Desgin Office):,

Közterület-felügyelet (Office of Public Space Supervisors) toll-free number: 0680/204618

Humánkapcsolati Iroda (Office of Human Relations)

Viktória Pokornyi: 0620/277-4993

Közösségi Részvételi Iroda (Office of Community Participation)

Judit Horváth 0620/443-6144

Polgármesteri Kabinet (Mayor’s Cabinet):

Júlia Bartók: 0620/624-3634

Anna Vidák: 0620/373-9454

Boglárka Balogh-Nyeső: 0620/363-2548

Fanni Tóth: 0620/316-9446


Due to the pandemic, we have started the ‘Together for Józsefváros’ campaign. You can always find up-to-date information here:

Please join our Facebook group Józsefváros Összefog where residents of Józsefváros help each other and share information:

You can help our efforts to support everyone in need in these difficult times by volunteering or donating. You can find more information about how you can help here:

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