Renovations in Stáhly utca

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Renovation of Stáhly utca

On 26 August 2024, the renovation of the intersection of Stáhly utca and Gyulai Pál utca will start.

How will the traffic on the street change?

The intersection of Stáhly utca and Gyulai Pál utca will be closed during the works. As a result, these streets will become dead ends:

Stáhly utca from the direction of Vas utca until the closure

Stáhly utca from Márkus Emilia utca to the closure

Márkus Emília utca from Rákóczi út

Gyulai Pál utca from the direction of Kőfaragó utca until the closure.

How long will the renovation take?

The renovation will start on 26 August 2024 and is expected to be completed by 2 September. However, these dates are dependent on weather and possible construction obstacles. For example, if it rains, the completion of the construction may be delayed.

The construction will be carried out by KOBOLD’2003 Ltd. 

Any questions?

Józsefváros Municipality Customer Service Office

1082 Budapest, Baross u. 66-68.

+36 80/277-256 (green number)

+36 1/459-2100

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