Dog runs

Where can you find dog-friendly parks in Józsefváros?

Several dog parks await doggies in Józsefváros, located in II. János Pál pápa tér and Ludovika tér, maintained by the Municipality of Budapest, and in Szenes Iván tér/Magyarok Nagyasszonya tér (formerly known as Rezső tér), maintained by the Józsefváros Municipality. Dogs are allowed on-leash in these areas.  You can read more about rules applicable to dog owners in public areas here:

Where are dog-friendly establishments in Józsefváros?

There are many dog-friendly places in our district. Click here to learn more about them. If you would like your business, store, or service to be on the list of dog-friendly places, please email us at

Where are dog parks located in Józsefváros?

There are 17 dog parks in the 8th district, 13 of which are maintained by the Municipality of Józsefváros, while the other 4 are the responsibility of the Municipality of Budapest.  You can find an interactive map with the dog parks of Józsefváros at

Dog parks maintained by the Municipality of Józsefváros:

  • Horváth Mihály tér
  • Brunszvik Júlia tér
  • Leonardo Da Vinci köz
  • Teleki tér (2 dog parks)
  • Szenes Iván tér
  • Golgota tér
  • Tisztes utca
  • Muzsikus cigányok parkja
  • Stróbl Alajos utca
  • Kálvária tér (2 dog parks)
  • Gyulai Pál utca

Complaints, inquiries:

Maintainer: Józsefváros Management Company Ltd. (JGK Zrt.) Directorate of Urban Management

Phone: 06-1-782-3537


Click here for the Józsefváros app

Dog parks maintained by the Municipality of Budapest:

Ludovika tér (2 dog parks)

  1. János Pál pápa tér (2 dog parks)

Complaints, inquiries:

Maintainer: FŐKERT Nonprofit Zrt.

Toll-free number: +36 80 277 275



Please, do not count on the poop fairy and help keep the public spaces of Józsefváros clean! As a resident of Józsefváros, you are eligible for 100 free dog poop bags per month. You can collect them at the following locations by presenting your address card:

Infopoint on Kálvária tér (brown wooden building)

Publib bathroom on II. János Pál pápa tér

Monday to Sunday

7am – 9am

12pm – 2pm

5pm – 7pm

If you would like to receive the information issued by the Municipality of Józsefváros for dog owners, click here to subscribe to the dog newsletter of the Municipality of Józsefváros.


There are many places in Józsefváros that welcome dogs with open arms.  Here, you can find more information about the dog-friendly commercial and catering establishments.

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