Voice your opinion about the new campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University!

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Voice your opinion about the new campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University!

The Municipality of Józsefváros is opening a public consultation on the new campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University between 10 April and 10 May 2024. Two forums will be held during the consultation: first on 11t April from 18:00 at Ötpacsirta utca 2 and then on 7 May from 18:00 at H13. Voice your opinion on the plans for the new campus of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University! 


What happened before? 

On the instructions of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the Government of Hungary would build a new campus for Pázmány Péter Catholic University on the former site of the Hungarian Radio. This project is designated as a priority project under Hungarian law and is planned to be completed by September 2027.

The project which aims to expand and develop the educational facilities of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, is of great significance and scale, affecting the entire neighbourhood. This will not only determine the architectural environment of the Palotanegyed (i.e., the inner areas) of Józsefváros, but also local society and the everyday experience and quality of life of the people living there. The new campus could only fit into Palotanegyed if it is designed in a meaningful dialogue with its neighbours, the thousands of Palotanegyed residents, and if it is built in the spirit of consensus. 


Have your say on the plans for the new Campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University! 

The aim of the participatory process now launched by the Municipality is to learn the opinions of the local community on the project in order to represent them in further negotiations with the Government. 

The Municipality aims to initiate possible changes to the plans before the start of the demolition works based on the feedback of the residents. 

It is important for the Municipality that the quality of life, needs and opinions of local residents are taken into account in the designs by the University and the Government. It is also important to ensure that further urban development interventions are made in the area alongside the construction works, and that the Government makes long-term measures to improve the living conditions of the local population, beyond the development of the Campus with long-term impact even after construction work, which will have a significant short-term impact on the area, will have ended. We therefore also seek your opinions on possible developments in Palotanegyed that are not directly linked to the plans that are currently being considered.  

The Office of Community Participation of the Municipality of Józsefváros is coordinating the process and the summary of the received responses.

A summary of the next steps for the municipality will be prepared on the basis of the public’s opinions.


When does the consultation start and how long will it last?

The public consultation will run from 10 April to 10 May 2024.


How can you voice your opinion?

  • You can find the questionnaire here: https://jozsefvaros.hu/go/ppkecampus_survey/
  • During the consultation period, volunteers from the Office of Community Participation will also visit the most affected buildings in person.


Get to know the project!

The Municipality of Józsefváros has put together an information brochure explaining the details of the project and how it would affect the environment, Palotanegyed and the daily lives of the people living there.

Read the brochure here: https://jozsefvaros.hu/go/ppkecampus_info_en 


Do you have any questions?

Office of Community Participation, Municipality of Józsefváros



Kapcsolódó dokumentumok
  1. INFO SHEET Utolsó frissítés: 2024. April 15.
    12 MB PDF dokumentum

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