Share your opinion about Harminckettesek tere!

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Share your opinion about Harminckettesek tere!

The Municipality of Józsefváros wants to renew Harminckettesek tere. It is important for us to make a decision together with the residents of Józsefváros about how should the Harminckettesek tere look like. Between 15. November and 15. December 2023., residents will be asked to give their thoughts on the experimental design and the new concept plans of the square through an online questionnaire.

Residents of houses around the square will be visited in person during this period, but the questionnaire is also available online. In January, the Municipality will evaluate the results and decide on the future of the Harminckettesek tere. To check out the plans, read our article.

We want to transform one of the central squares in Józsefváros into a coherent, walkable, modern, green and likeable place, where many people do not want to move on from, but where it is nice to arrive. The Harminckettesek tere is at once the entrance to the houses here, the transport hub of Józsefváros for those passing through, the daily waiting place for a large number of people, and a place where shops provide services for many. The square must be able to fulfil all these roles at the same time.

Among other things, we are asking you to decide whether you would like to see transit traffic and parking in the square in the future, or whether you would prefer more trees and convenient bus stops. Based on the experience of the past months, we have designed a square that takes into account the needs and feedback of the residents and that we believe is worthy of the Harminckettesek tere, green and pedestrian-friendly. We believe in this direction, but the decision is up to the residents of Józsefváros!

You can also find the questionnaire online at the following link >>>

If you would prefer to share your thoughts in person, you are welcome to come to our plan presentation event, where you can discuss the plans with colleagues from the Municipality, RÉV8 and the designers.

Harminckettesek tere  Plan Presentation 

Tuesday 28 November 2023, 6pm

Location: 1085 Budapest, József körút 59-61.

Facebook event:

If you have any questions about the plans, please contact

For more information:


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