Measures of the Józsefváros Municipality for the emergency period

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  Measures of the Józsefváros Municipality for the emergency period
Information for English-speaking residents of Józsefváros during the coronavirus epidemic


●    If you are 70 years old or older, please stay at home and ask your younger friends, family members, neighbors or the Mayor’s Office for help in shopping or any other errands.

●    Regardless of your age, do not to leave your home unless very necessary.

●    If you have fever or feel sick, stay at home and do not use public transportation.

●    Avoid contact with people who cough or have fever.

●    When coughing and sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, if you do not have a tissue ready, cough or sneeze into your flexed elbow.

●    Throw the used tissue into a closed trash can immediately.

●    Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap:

–    after coughing, sneezing or throwing away the tissue,

–    before and after using the toilet,

–    before meals.

●    Wash your hands at least for 20 seconds.

●    Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth in.

●    Clean anything you often touch or use (table, door handle, phone, keyboard etc.)  regularly.

●    Keep at least 1-2 meters of distance from others.

●    Avoid shaking hands.

●    Avoid crowded places.

●    Avoid using the elevator.

●    Make sure that closed areas are ventilated.


The Józsefváros Municipality has created new communication channels to inform people in the coronavirus emergency period:

●    Toll-free number available every day from 8 am till 8 pm: 06 80 277 256

●    General information via e-mail:

●    Józsefváros community Facebook group:

●    Józsefváros Municipality Facebook page:

●    Józsefváros Municipality website:

Information posters are available in the below foreign languages:

•    English:

•    Chinese:

•    Russian:

•    Spanish:

•    Arabic:

•    Pharsi:

Information for refugees and immigrants in foreign languages is available here:

You can access news in English about the coronavirus pandemic here >>>


The Mayor’s Office is open three days a week with limited working hours:

•    Monday-Wednesday: 9-11 am and 2-4 pm

•    Friday 9-11 am.

Please restrict personal visits to the Mayor’s Office to most essential cases only. Inquiries regarding administrative issues should be sent to


You can access current information about the Józsefváros Szent Kozma Medical Center here >>>

You can find the contact details of general practitioners in Józsefváros here >>>


Support for those who are in official quarantine

It is the statutory obligation of Józsefváros Municipality to provide support for people in official quarantine. You can request help with your shopping, pharmacy or the post office related errands and, if necessary, ask for free food supplies. For more information, please send us an email at

Emergency aid

The Józsefváros Municipality has established a new emergency aid for the residents to help those who are facing an acute threat to their basic nutritional, health and housing needs incurred by the outbreak of coronavirus epidemic. The assistance is available to permanent or temporary 8th district residents including Hungarian citizens, refugees, and who belong to any of the following categories: immigrant, permanently settled, stateless person and asylee. You can find out more about the aid here:

Meal service

The Józsefváros Municipality is offering daily hot meals in limited amounts during the emergency period. The price of the hot meal depends on your personal income. For more information, please send us an email at

Non-perishable food

The Józsefváros Municipality provides non-perishable food for free for people in need in limited volumes. For more information, please send us an email at

Care and meals for children

•    District schools: as of March 16, 2020, there is no classroom education in the district schools. If you have questions about school meal availability, please send us an email at

•    Nurseries, kindergartens: as of March 18, 2020, there will be only on-demand small group care available in district nurseries and kindergartens. Please do not use the nursery or the kindergarten, if you are pregnant, staying at home with a small child (on maternity or parental leave), or if you are a university student, or are on holiday or unemployed as we need to maintain social distancing to help reduce the spread of the virus. Absentees during the restricted period are exempt from paying the care fee. If you wish to request nursery or kindergarten care, please inform the head of the concerned institution. If you have any questions about meals, contact the head of the concerned institution or send us an email at

Dog walking, shopping, prescription redeeming, postal administration

If you are a senior resident or otherwise unable to run your errands, please send us an email at Our volunteers are vetted, they have an ID issued by the Józsefváros Municipality and only visit people who have requested support.

In-kind donations

The Józsefváros Municipality is collecting donations of food, detergents and learning equipment for those in need. For more information, please send us an email at

Face masks

The Józsefváros Municipality is currently not distributing protective gear to residents at the moment, because these are allocated to healthcare workers, social workers and district security officers. As soon as the situation changes, residents will be informed.


Józsefváros Solidarity Aid Fund: to support those in need during the pandemic, please donate money by wire transfer to this account: 1784009-15508009-10010000 Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat, IBAN: HU88 1178 4009 1550 8009 1001 0000, SWIFT: OTPVHUHB, OTP Bank Nyrt.). Please indicate „koronavírus” and your name in the notification field. The Józsefváros Municipality will use the donations to purchase protective gear and sanitizer, and to provide financial support to those most in need.

In-kind donations: During the coronavirus pandemic Józsefváros Municipality is collecting in-kind donations to support the senior residents and people in need. If you would like to help, please send us an email at

Thank you for your patience and cooperation! Please take care of yourself and others!

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