Zsendülő Tanoda
address: 1084 Mátyás tér 15.
professional leader: Nóra Böhler
opening hours: Monday to Friday between 2pm and 6pm
registration/further information, in person: during opening hours
email: tanoda@kesztyugyar.hu
phone: +36/70 513-2888 (Böhler Nóra, professional leader)
- Study support and catching up
- Programs for valuable leisure time activities
- Excursions, camps, theater visits
- Family, community, and sports events
- Afternoon snacks on ‘tanoda’ days
Városi Tanoda
address: 1084 Budapest Német u. 14. (entrance from József utca)
professional leader: Petrosz Lenkey
opening hours: weekdays between 3pm and 7pm
registration/further information in person: Thursdays between 5pm and 7pm
email: varositanoda8@gmail.com
phone: +36/20 3535-428
The Városi Tanoda is maintained by the Józsefvárosi Szabadidős Egyesület (Recreational Association of Józsefváros). This service has been available for 12 years in the district. Each year, 30 disadvantaged students receive individualized skills development and after- school subject coaching.
Our aspiration is to organize as many open programs as possible. These sessions can be attended not only by students but also by all residents and anyone interested. We genuinely care for establishing integration programs for children of different nationalities to foster a stronger sense of identity. This is why we operate clubs in cooperation with minority self-governments.