On-call and urgent care

Adult on-call medical service (over 14) Inter-Ambulance Zrt.

Address: 1084 Budapest, Auróra u. 22-28. földszint

Phone: +36 1/215-16-44

Further info: available 0-24

Website: https://interambulance.hu/orvosi-ugyeletek/

Adult and children’s on-call dentist, Department of Community Dentistry

Address: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 40.

Phone: +36 1/317-66-00

Website: http://www.stomatologia.hu/

On-call pediatrician (between 0 and 14), Heim Pál Children’s Hospital

Address: 1096 Budapest, Üllői út 86.

Phone: +36 1/264-33-14, +36 1/264-74-81

Website: http://heimpalkorhaz.hu/

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