Overview of the 2022 budget of Józsefváros

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

The draft budget for 2022 of Józsefváros was passed by the district’s municipal council on February 24, 2022.

Three main priorities were determined during the planning of expenditures which are of higher importance in the budget. These three priorities are the concept of Child-friendly Józsefváros, the program for The Public Spaces of Józsefváros and the Housing Program of Józsefváros.

We launch a Child-friendly Józsefváros program in 2022, the long-term pillars of which are a clean and green, a livable and playful, a safe and preserving, an inclusive and engaging as well as a thriving and smart district. Developments include our public spaces, the improvement of children’s health and sense of safety and early childhood development and upbringing. The flagship of our program is the Befogadó Óvoda Projekt (Inclusive Kindergarten Project) the aim of which is to make the district’s kindergartens attractive to everyone.

This year we dedicate 194 million HUF to the restoration of kindergartens and to innovation. We dedicate 127 million HUF to the restoration of our playgrounds.

In the framework of the Housing Program of Józsefváros, we are expending 1,5 billion HUF on the development of municipality owned immovable properties.

The development of the mostly neglected and run-down municipality owned immovable properties is central to the political program of the district’s leadership.

We earmark 400 million HUF to the renovation of 100% municipality owned housings (which is further increased by the remainder of 82 million HUF surplus of the 2021 appropriation). We dedicate 650 million HUF to the renovation of municipal housing. We earmark the gross amount of 60 million HUF from the budget of the Municipality for the technical preparation and planning of municipal rental housing and housing renovations in order to carry out the medium- and long-term development strategy of immovable properties.

Within the framework of the program for The Public Spaces of Józsefváros, Déri Miksa utca, Práter and Tömő utca will be renovated, Somogyi Béla utca will be refurbished and Horváth Mihály tér will be restored for 90 million HUF. We reconstruct the public spaces of Losonci lakótelep and Szeszgyár utca, plan traffic modifications in Csarnok-Népszínház-Magdolna negyed.

Planning will be underway for several public area developments, including a Népszínház utca, Dankó utca, Krúdy utca, Illés utca, Bacsó Béla utca, Harminckettesek tere and the intersection at Alföldi-Népszínház utca.

We dedicate 127 million HUF for the street tree planting program and 20 million HUF for the development of green areas and the planning of street tree planting program.

We continue the “Wall to wall” cleaning action collaborating with FKF for 11 million HUF. We expand our Public Cleaning Office with 5 people for 20 million HUF.

We plan numerous infrastructure developments: we will spend 99 million HUF on the purchasing of urban cleaning and maintenance machines. We dedicate 63 million HUF to new public toilets, 5 million to the operation of portable toilets and 10 million HUF more on 80 new bins.

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