In order to help needy children in Józsefváros to have success in school, the municipality is collecting donations of school supplies until 15 September in several locations in the district. You can give as little as one notebook to help needy students in the district who struggle to afford school supplies. The collected donations will be given to needy clients of the Józsefváros Social Services and Child Welfare Centre.
If you can, please consider older school-age children in need when choosing your donations.
What kind of donations are expected?
- Schoolbag,
- Pencil-box,
- Ruler,
- Colored paper,
- Scissors,
- Wooden sticks (hurkapálcika),
- Glue,
- Colored and natural play-dough,
- Folder for drawing paper,
- Drawing papers, Watercolor (12 colors),
- Colored pencils
- Pencils (12 pieces)
- Markers (12 pieces)
- Crayons (12 pieces)
- Painting brushes (3 pieces)
- School lined notebook (size: 14-32)
- Squared notebook (size: 27-32)
- Blank music sheet notebook (size: 36-16)
- Class schedule,
- Lead pencil,
- Red&blue pencil,
- Eraser,
- Sharpener
Places where we collect donations:
We collect donations at three places:
- Józsefváros Social Services and Child Welfare Center (JSZSZGYK) Kőris u. 35. Monday 2 pm-5 pm, Tuesday 9 am-2 pm, and Thursday 9 am-2 pm.
- Mayor’s Office TÁMPONT Information Services Baross u. 63-67. Monday: 8.15 am-6 pm, Tuesday: 8.15 am-4 pm, Wednesday: 8.15 am-4.30 pm, Thursday: 8.15 am-4 pm, Friday: 8.15 am-1.30 pm
- KESZTYŰGYÁR Community House Mátyás tér 15. Monday to Friday 8 am to 7 pm.
It is important that we can only accept equipment that is in good condition and not overused. Further information: · 06/1 333-9775, 06/1 313-5637
Thank you in advance for your donations!