Dog runs in Józsefváros – House rules, etiquette, general information

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Dog runs in Józsefváros - House rules, etiquette, general information


1) It is strictly forbidden to visit the dog run with a sick dog (e.g. with diarrhea, coughing) or a dog in heat.

2) Only animals with the necessary vaccinations are allowed to visit the dog run.

3) The removal of dog poop from the dog run is compulsory.

4) Do not allow dogs to bark for long periods of time, and be mindful of the peace and quiet of residents in the area.

5) Do not allow dogs to dig holes. Pits can be a hazard to other visitors.

6) Do not consume food or drink in the dog run.

If you see behaviour contrary to the rules, please call the following toll-free number: +36 80 204 618


The following recommendations should be followed by all visitors to ensure a mutually cooperative and conflict-free dog run experience.

Arrival at the dog run area

  • Please do not allow your dog to run into the dogs, and people in the dog run immediately.
  • If there are unknown dogs in the dog run, please do not enter with your dog until you have made verbal arrangements with the people inside.
  • Please enter the gate with your dog behind or beside you, but always with your permission, in a relaxed state
  • Please only enter the dog run area with a healthy dog that can be called in. Avoid the run with a dog that is in heat, infectious, sick or particularly aggressive.

Game rules

  • Please warn your dog if it becomes overly dominant and/or plays rough with its companions, especially smaller dogs and puppies.
  • Please make sure that playing together and playing with a ball does not turn into a conflict. If you think it could become a problem, do not take the ball out.
  • Please do not allow your dog to jump up on people inside the dog run.
  • Please warn your dog if it barks unreasonably much, as this may disturb residents in the area or other dogs playing.
  • Please also watch your dog when you are on the phone or talking to other people.

Greeting new arrivals

  • Please retrieve your dog from the gate and only allow it to meet incoming dogs once they are off their leash and have started to get to know the dog run.
  • Please do not allow your dog to run over an arriving dog or person.

Our shared responsibility

  • Please always pick up dog waste in the run area and throw it out in the collection bin.
  • To prevent accidents, do not allow your dog to dig a hole, chew on objects in the area or damage equipment in any way.
  • Please also take care of the equipment and furnishings (benches, bins) in the run.
  • Please take care of the safety and integrity of trees and shrubs.
  • Feed other dogs only with the owner’s permission. Please do not let your dog near when other owners are feeding or rewarding their dog.

Thank you for using the dog run according to our recommendations!

We wish all owners and dogs a pleasant and meaningful time!


Opening hours

The dog runs are open from 0.00 to 24.00.

With the exception of the small and large dog runs in Kálvária Square, which are open from 5.00 to 23.00.


The dog runs are cleaned every working day by the staff of the Józsefvárosi Gazdálkodási Központ (JGK). This involves emptying the bins and collecting the rubbish. The dog runs on Stróbl Alajos Street and Tisztes Street are cleaned every three days.

he dog runs are disinfected with a probiotic agent every Thursday using a high-pressure cleaning machine. This not only breaks down harmful substances, but is also scented, effectively cleans the soil in the dog runs and helps prevent possible infections.

Damage report

If you notice any problems with cleaning and maintenance, or if the agility equipment on display has been damaged, please contact the staff of the Józsefvárosi Gazdálkodási Központ

Phone: 06-1-782-3537


or report it on the Józsefváros app!

Newsletter and information

The Municipality of Józsefváros informs the dog owners of the district about the current programmes and news regarding dogs in a newsletter.

You can subscribe to the newsletter here:

The website of the Józsefvaros Municipality has all the useful information for dog owners:

Free dog waste collection bag

The Józsefváros Municipality provides all dog owners in the district with 100 free dog waste bags per month, which can be collected from the following locations:

  • Kálvária square information point (brown wooden house).
  • II. János Pál pápa Square (public toilets): Monday to Sunday 7.00-9.00, 12.00-14.00, 17.00-19.00.
  • You can also ask for a bag from a district guard who is on duty in a square where there is a dog run, also there are free collection bags in the dog runs.
  • Other locations where the dog waste collection bags are available in the district:  Teleki square, Golgota square, Horváth Mihály square, Déri Miksa street


Proposals for the use of agility equipment

It is recommended that dogs’ muscles are warmed up before each training session. A light run or some fetching exercises (retrieving thrown objects) are excellent for this.

Never feed your dog before training! Of course, rewards, treats given as praise, are an exception.

Adapt the exercises to the age, breed and size of your dog.

Always have fresh water with you.

Include breaks between exercises.

Always conduct and end training in a positive way so that your dog enjoys the joint activity.

Exercise for puppies and developing dogs should only be carried out after consulting a vet and on the basis of this to avoid growth and health problems.

Please make sure that your dog always uses the equipment provided for its intended purpose and always take care of its physical well-being.

The correct order of use of the equipment in the dog runs is: hoop, slalom, bridge. This order is the most enjoyable for the dogs.

If you find that any of the equipment has been damaged or is otherwise impaired, please call the staff of the Józsefvárosi Gazdálkodási Központ at +36-1/782-3537 or email

Thank you! Have a nice time!

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