Porajmos – A commemoration of the Roma Holocaust Day

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Porajmos remembering the roma holocaust

On the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (Porajmos in Romani), the world remembers the Roma victims tortured and exterminated in the concentration camps during the Second World War. Genocide of the Roma dates back to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, from which time onwards these laws applied to the Roma as well as the Jewish population.

Roma people were held in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, which was scheduled to be demolished on 16 May 1944, but they fought back. Since then, 16 May has been the day of Roma resistance. The SS soldiers finally liquidated the camp on the night of 2 to 3 August, killing 3-4,000 Roma people. Between 5 and 8 thousand people of Roma origin were deported from Hungary. 

At the commemoration on 2 August, new plants will be planted in the flowerbed with the Roma flag on Teleki tér in Józsefváros.

Speeches will be delivered by Pikó András, Mayor of Józsefváros and Oláh József representative, and will be joined by:

Szomora Zsolt violin

Gulyás Zsuzsi voice

Burai Krisztián, Galyas Éva reading

Uccu Alapítvány “Noisy wagon”  

After the commemoration, the March of Remembrance the Roma NGO’s march, will start at 15:45 from the Eighth District to the Roma Holocaust Memorial on Nehru Beach. The procession will proceed to the Ninth District for the wreath ceremony, accompanied by the kinetic sculpture of Böröcz András  Noisy Wagon. The mission of the sculpture, created for the 80th anniversary of the Roma Holocaust, is to maintain vigilance so that we never forget the atrocities committed against minorities and the path that led to them.

Date: Friday, 2 August 2024, 15:00

Place: Teleki tér 

You are welcome to join us, let us remember the victims together! 

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