Tree planting and wearing course replacement in Kun utca

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Tree planting and wearing course replacement in Kun utca

On 21 August, work will start on the section of Kun utca between Dologház utca and Alföldi utca.

What kind of work is expected?

We have previously renovated Kun utca between Alföldi utca and Népszínház utca, so now we will replace the wearing course on another section of Kun utca. In addition, we will start the construction of new tree planting in this section of the street as part of the Street Planting Programme II, which will add 12 new trees and more than 50 square metres of green space to the street.

How long will the works take from what date?

Work will start on 21 August 2024 and is expected to be completed in two weeks. However, these dates depend on the weather and possible construction obstacles. For example, if it rains, the completion of the works may be delayed.

What traffic changes are expected during construction?

There will be a complete road closure for the replacement of the wearing course. This means that there will be no access to this section of Kun utca from either Dologház utca or Alföldi utca. Therefore, it is prohibited to stop on both sides of the street.

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Városépítészeti Iroda

1082 Budapest, Baross utca 63-67. III. em. 306. +36 1/459-2157 +36 20/335-7449 (pénteki napokon!)

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The second phase of the street planting programme starts

The second phase of the street planting programme starts
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