At the end of January, work will begin on the Kiss József utca between Rákóczi út and Szilágyi utca. The works are expected to last until mid-April.
What kind of works are expected?
In this section, the construction of new trees will begin as part of the Street Planting Programme II, adding 58 trees and more than 750 square metres of green space to the street. The new trees will eliminate 38 parking spaces. The specific plans can be found at the end of this news item.
How long will the works take?
The construction will be carried out in four phases, meaning that the contractor will not work on the whole section at once. It is important to note that the dates listed below are subject to weather conditions and possible construction obstacles. For example, if it rains, the exact dates of the phases may change and the completion of the works may be delayed.
- In Phase I, work will begin on the even side of the section of Kiss József utca between Bezerédj utca and Szilágyi utca. The contractor will move to this section on 31 January, start work on 3 February and is expected to finish by 16 February.
- In Phase II, work will start on the odd-numbered side of Kiss József utca between Bezerédj utca and Szilágyi utca on 17 February and will be completed on 28 February.
- In Phase III, work on the even side of the Kiss József utca between Rákóczi út and Bezerédj utca will start on 28 February and is expected to be completed on 23 March.
- In Phase IV, work on the odd-numbered side of Kiss József utca between Rákóczi út and Bezerédj utca will start on 24 March and finish on 13 April.
What traffic changes are expected during construction?
During the construction, cars will be able to travel as usual and the 99 bus service will not be diverted. However, during certain phases of construction, specific parking lanes will be closed and pedestrians will be diverted to the opposite side.
Phase I: Even side of the section between Bezerédj utca and Szilágyi utca | 31 January – 16 February 2025.
Do not park:
- On both sides of the section of Kiss József utca between Bezerédj utca and Szilágyi utca
- At the intersection of Kiss József utca and Szilágyi utca
Pedestrian traffic will be diverted to the odd side of the road.

Phase II: Odd-numbered side of the section between Bezerédj utca and Szilágyi utca | 17 February – 28 February 2025.
Do not park:
- On the odd-numbered side of Kiss József utca between Bezerédj utca and Szilágyi utca
- At the intersection of Kiss József utca and Bezerédj utca
Pedestrian traffic will be diverted to the even side of the road.

Phase III: Even side of the section between Rákóczi út and Bezerédj utca | 28 February – 23 March 2025.
Do not park:
- On the even side of Kiss József utca between Rákóczi út and Bezerédj utca
- Pedestrian traffic will be diverted to the odd side of the road.

Phase IV: Odd-numbered side of the section between Rákóczi út and Bezerédj utca | 24 March – 13 April 2025.
Do not park:
- On the odd-numbered side of Kiss József utca between Rákóczi út and Bezerédj utca
Pedestrian traffic will be diverted to the even side of the road.

A temporary platform will be built for the 99 bus service.
Do you have a question?
Városépítészeti Iroda
1082 Budapest, Baross utca 63-67. III. em. 306.Learn about the second phase of the Street Planting Programme: