Year-opening walk for kindergartens 2024

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Year opening walk for kindergatens 29 august 18pm Kálvária tér Magic show dance and singing

In Józsefváros, it has become a tradition that at the end of summer, on the eve of the opening of the year, we invite our future kindergarteners children already attending kindergarten, parents and kindergarten staff to a big walk together.

With singing, dancing, games, exciting activities and magic tricks, we bid farewell to the summer and open the kindergarten year.

The opening walk takes place on Thursday, 29 August 2024

Meeting place: children and adults walking from the nursery schools will gather at Kálvária tér  at 17.00

Departure time:

From the  Katica tagóvoda: 16.15

From Pitypang tagóvoda: 16:15

From the Csodasziget tagóvoda: 16.15

From the Mesepalota tagóvoda: 16:15

From the TÁ-Ti-KA tagóvoda: 16:15

From the Tündérkert tagóvoda: 16.30

From the Virágkoszorú tagóvoda: 16.30

From the Csillagfürt tagóvoda: 16:30

From the Napvirág tagóvoda: 16.45

From Százszorszép tagóvoda: 16:45

From the Mackóvár tagóvoda: 16:45

Programme on Kálvária tér

Magic show by Botond Kelle

Dance performance led by the teachers of the Tündérkert tagóvoda – singing and dancing together

The programme is free of charge. Just bring your good mood and a pair of comfortable shoes!

All are welcome!

More details about the event on Facebook

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