Attention! Poisoned bait in Józsefváros

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Dear dog lovers of Józsefváros!

Human evil has reared its head again in our district. In the last few days (July 2023), in several places in the district  (in and outside dog runs), someone has committed an offence against dogs. We received reports of poisoned food scraps in several places in Józsefváros.

In the cases where we were aware of a specific location, JGK Zrt staff immediately went out and collected the bait.

We would like to draw the attention of the perpetrator to the fact that poisoning animals is a serious crime. Specifically, “if animal cruelty is committed by the use of poison or by placing bait to kill an animal and causing the death of several animals, the penalty is imprisonment for one to five years.”

We remind you that the death of the animal does not even have to occur, since the law states that “even a person who intends to commit such an offence shall be punished with imprisonment for up to two years.”

The municipality is trying to help with its own means, for example by removing the bait.

The correct procedure is for the person who finds the poison to notify the police. You can report it by calling 112 or by writing to

If you can, pick up the suspect food and inform other dog owners. If you don’t know which forum to do this on, or the person who found it is not on Facebook, the ZöldEb Association can help you spread the word.

If you spot any cases that are dangerous to dogs, please report them to the Zöldeb Józsefváros group so that they can be put into expert hands as soon as possible.

You can contact the Józsefváros Municipality on our toll free number: +36 80/277-256

Take care of your dogs!

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