Józsefváros Neighbourhood Fest 2024 

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Józsefváros Neighbourhood Fest 2024 

Organise a community-building Neighbourhood Fest in Józsefváros!

The Neighbourhood Fest initiative aims to strengthen and support communities in the district, empowering small communities, residential communities and neighbourhoods by encouraging the organisation of community events. Through the Neighbourhood Fest initiative we will implement community building, community development and community organising programmes.

Community cookouts, gardening, music, board games or street parties?

What kind of ideas are we looking for?

  • For people living, working or studying in Józsefváros;
  • free of charge for participants;
  • Reaches and involves the community, with an interactive programme based on active participation.

The Municipality of Józsefváros considers the diversity of the district’s communities to be an important asset and aims to promote neighbourhood relations and strengthen cooperation between social groups from different backgrounds. Therefore, the Józsefváros Közösségeiért Nonprofit Ltd., together with the Municipality’s Office of Community Participation, would like to implement community programmes in cooperation with others within the framework of the Neighbourhood Fest initiative.

For more information on the details and conditions of application, please see below.

Deadline for submission: 11 February 2024, 23:59

Online application form: jozsefvaros.hu/go/neighbourhoodfest2024application

When can the planned programme be implemented?  Between 1 April 2024 and 15 October 2024.

How much money is available to implement the programmes? The maximum gross amount available per programme is HUF 200 000. The amount offered may vary from the amount requested.

What form will the cooperation take? The application process will take place in two rounds: applicants who meet the formal and substantive requirements will be met in person by the Office  Community Participation’s staff, after which the final grants will be decided. The Józsefváros Közösségeiért Nonprofit Ltd. will conclude a commissioning contract with the creators of the chosen programme plans. The implementation will be assisted and supported by the staff of the Office of Community Participation in the manner set out in the contract.

Who can apply? 

  • Individuals over 18 years of age with a Hungarian social security number,
  • Informal communities, of which one member, as a private individual, undertakes to sign a contract with the Józsefváros Közösségeiért Nonprofit Ltd;
  • NGOs who are account holders;
  • non-profit business associations who are accountable;
  • condominiums, housing cooperatives, housing associations that are solvent, or one of whose members, as a private individual, undertakes to contract with the Józsefváros Közösségeiért Nonprofit Ltd to represent the community.

Additional information:

Közösségi Részvételi Iroda

1082 Budapest, Baross u. 63-67. fszt. 3/1. reszvetel@jozsefvaros.hu +36 1/459-2139 +36203739454 (pénteki napokon!)
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok
  1. Neighbourhood Fest 2024 Utolsó frissítés: 2024. January 11.
    140 KB PDF dokumentum

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