Tell us your opinion on the new research centre at Semmelweis University!

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Tell us your opinion on the new research centre at Semmelweis University!

The Municipality of Józsefváros is opening a public consultation on the new research centre of Semmelweis University between 19 June and 10 July 2024. During the public consultation, a public forum will be held on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm at Stereo Művház (Budapest, Illés utca 36.).

Voice your opinion on the plans for the new research centre at Semmelweis University: 

So what has happened before? 

Since 2020, the Municipality of Józsefváros has been negotiating with Semmelweis University regarding the sale of the area bounded by Kőris utca – Diószegi utca – Dugonics utca – Kálvária utca and the use of the area by the university. The research centre will be built on plots 7, 11 Kőris utca, 18, 20, 22 Kálvária utca and 14 and 16 Dugonics utca. Last year, as a result of negotiations, Semmelweis University purchased the affected plots from the municipality. 

The university is cooperating with the municipality in its development plan. The Science Park will provide scientific and innovative developments based on Semmelweis University’s own skills and knowledge that can accelerate the development of the country’s and the region’s health and biotechnology industries, thus contributing to the retention of a highly skilled workforce. 

In addition to the research centre on the sites, the development plan also affects the surrounding public spaces. The current plans are not yet finalised, so there is potential to amend them based on public feedback.

The new development of Semmelweis University will have an impact on the life of the district, changing its architectural environment and the daily lives of its residents.

Voice your opinion on the plans for the new research centre at Semmelweis University!

The participatory process launched by the municipality in cooperation with the university aims to gather the views of the local population on the project and to represent them in further discussions with the university. 

The aim of the municipality is to initiate possible changes to the plans based on feedback from the public.

The public consultation is coordinated by the Office of Community Participation of the Municipality of Józsefváros. The results of the consultation will be summarised and published on the website of the Municipality of Józsefváros. 

When does the consultation start and how long will it last?

The public consultation will run from 19 June to 10 July 2024.

How can you voice your opinion?

  • Between 19 June and 10 July, you can give your opinion in writing by filling in the questionnaire below. The questionnaire can be completed in Hungarian and English, online or in person (at the Józsefváros Municipality Customer Service):
  • During the commenting period, volunteers from the Office of Community Participation will also visit the most affected houses in person.
  • During the consultation period, a public forum will be held on Tuesday 2 July from 6pm to 8pm at Stereo Művház (36 Illés Street).

Facebook event:

Fill in the questionnaire online or in person! 

Volunteers are welcome! If you would like to help with outreach, surveys, leafleting and posters in your local area, please apply by 20 June here:

Learn more about the project!

The Municipality of Józsefváros has produced an information booklet that explains the details of the project and how it would affect the environment and the daily lives of the people living there.

Read the booklet here: 

Do you have a question?

Józsefváros Municipality Office of Community Participation

+36 1/459-2139

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