The second phase of the street planting programme starts

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

The second phase of street planting programme starts

The Climate Strategy 2030 states that “there is no street without green surfaces”.

There are significant greening initiatives within ongoing urban development projects, but our ambitions go beyond that. A number of different concepts and strategies in the district, although differently framed, have all built on each other to set the Municipality on a path towards a significantly greener direction, making Józsefváros a more sustainable and liveable district for future generations.

That’s why the municipality’s Street Planting Programme was launched. The aim of the programme is to green public spaces where wall-to-wall renewal is not needed or not yet possible. In the first phase of the programme, trees were planted in two places: in Lujza utca and at the intersection of Nagy Fuvaros and Népszínház utca. Feedback from local residents has been very positive about these trees.

And in July, the second phase of the Street Planting Programme will be launched. The Municipality of Józsefváros is spending HUF 165 million gross on this large-scale greening project.

Under the project, seven public areas will be enriched with a total of 145 trees and more than 1,100 square metres of green space. As a result, parking spaces will be eliminated. We will also make pedestrian-friendly changes at the intersections of the streets concerned by widening the pavements.

Public space Planned new trees Planned new green area Disappearing parking spaces
Corvin köz 10 23 sqm 0
József utca (in between József körút and Német utca 24 128 sqm 10
Karácsony Sándor utca (in between Teleki László tér and Magdolna utca) 20 103 sqm 6
Kiss József utca (in between Rákóczi út andSzilágyi utca) 58 752 sqm 38
Kun utca (in between Dologház utca and Alföldi utca) 12 53 sqm 5
Teleki tér 7 37 sqm 0
Tolnai Lajos utca (in between Déri Miksa utca and József utca) 8 48 sqm 3
In total 145 1144 sqm 62


When will the construction of tree sites start and how long will it take?

In July 2024, the construction of tree sites started in two locations. In Teleki tér it has since been completed and in Tolnai Lajos utca it is expected to be finished by 20 August. In summer, the construction of Kun utca will start in mid-August, and in addition to the construction of the wooden seats, the pavement will be resurfaced and the road will be resurfaced, which is expected to take two weeks. In September, work will start in two areas: in Karácsony Sándor utca and in József utca, where it will take one month each. The construction of the tree sites in Kiss József utca and Corvin utca has not yet been scheduled.

The planting of the trees is expected to take place at the end of November or beginning of December, which is the best time to plant the trees.

What will happen during implementation?

Temporary closures of parking lanes and diversion of pedestrian traffic are expected during the construction of the tree sites.

Temporary traffic on Tolnai utca will be as follows:

Similar restrictions are expected to be introduced in József utca and Kiss József utca during the construction works.

In Karácsony Sándor utca, the bus stop of the 99 bus in the direction of Blaha Lujza tér will be moved to the beginning of Szerdahelyi utca.

There will be no restrictions on Corvin köz..

On Kun utca, there will be a complete road closure from 21 August to 4 September due to the replacement of the wearing course.

We will inform residents of the specific traffic changes in the area before the start of work.

What traffic changes are expected after construction?

Following the correction of the kerbs at the intersections, the safety and comfort of pedestrians will be improved at 5 locations: in Tolnai Lajos utca, Kiss József utca, József utca, Kun utca and Karácsony Sándor utca.

In József utca, the traffic flow will be changed due to the construction. The section of József utca connecting to József körút is currently a two-way road, which will have to be unidirectional due to the planned intervention. As a consequence of the narrowing of the traffic space between Német utca and József körút, József utca will become one-way towards József körút, but the section will be dual car parked with new parking spaces. In addition, the new traffic management will allow for the possibility to drive from József utca to Krúdy Gyula utca via József körút.

From Karácsony Sándor utca, the bus stop for the 99 bus service from Karácsony Sándor utca to Blaha Lujza tér will be permanently moved to the beginning of Szerdahelyi utca.

The works will be carried out by KOBOLD’2003 Ltd.

Any questions?

Városépítészeti Iroda

1082 Budapest, Baross utca 63-67. III. em. 306. +36 1/459-2157 +36 20/335-7449 (pénteki napokon!)

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