Join the Józsefváros Festival of Communities!

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Józsefváros Festival of communities

We welcome applications from NGOs and communities of Józsefváros. Let’s show the communities of Józsefváros together!

On 26 April 2025, the Józsefváros Festival of Communities will be held again on Horváth Mihály tér. As a result of the idea that won the 2022 participatory budgetting, the Municipality of Józsefváros organises the Józsefváros Plant Fair every year. Since 2023, the Józsefváros Festival of Communities is organised in parallel with the Craft and Plant Fair, where the district’s NGOs and communities can present themselves. This year, we are once again welcoming applications from NGOs and communities with ties to Józsefváros who would like to showcase their activities on a playful, programme-packed spring day.

Who are we looking for?

NGOs and informal communities active in Józsefváros. 

How long can you apply?

5 April 2025.

Where can you apply?

For more information, contact the Office of Community Participation: 

Korsós Noémi

Korsós Noémi
További részletek

Merker Vera

Merker Vera
További részletek

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