Construction starts on January 16 in Krúdy utca!

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Construction starts on January 16 in Krúdy utca!

On 16 January 2024, the executor will start to work on the section of  Krúdy utca between Rökk Szilárd utca and Mária utca, marking the start of the construction. The project will include the creation of green areas and the planting of trees, street lighting and paving will be renewed. For first-hand information on the start of the next phase of construction, subscribe to our newsletter at

Pedestrian traffic will be ensured in the construction area, but no vehicles will be allowed to enter. If you park your car on the section of Krúdy utca between Rökk Szilárd and Mária utca, please leave the area by 7 a.m. on 16 January 2024. Thank you!

Krúdy map

In the next phase, during the week of 29 January, the executor will start to work on the section of Mária utca between Krúdy utca and Baross utca, and the junction of Krúdy utca and Mária utca will be closed to motor traffic. At this time, Horánszky utca and Mária utca will become a dead end from Bródy utca. The reconstruction of the two sections is expected to last until June 2024. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.

Interesting fact, that there is a 155-year-old water pipe running under the asphalt of Krúdy utca, which will be replaced during the renovation, and a piece of the water pipe will be part of the collection of the Józsefváros Múzeum.

If you are interested in the plans and visuals of the street renovation, please visit

If you have any questions about the renovation, please email or call +36 20 332 6163, weekdays 9-16.

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