On 5 September, work will start on the section of Karácsony Sándor utca between Teleki László tér and Magdolna utca.
What kind of work is expected?
In this section, we will start the construction of new tree planting sites within the framework of the Street Planting Programme II, which will add 20 new trees and more than 100 square metres of green space to the street.
When will the construction of tree sites start and how long will it take?
The works will start on 5 September 2024 and are expected to be completed within a month. However, these dates depend on the weather and possible construction obstacles. For example, if it rains, the completion of the works may be delayed.
What traffic changes are expected during construction?
Due to the construction of the tree stands, it is forbidden to stop in the section in front of Karácsony Sándor utca 2/A-12 and in front of Karácsony Sándor utca 19. In addition, pedestrian traffic will be diverted from the section in front of 2/A-12 Karácsony Sándor utca to the other side of the street.
In addition, the bus stop of the 99 bus in the direction of Blaha Lujza tér will be moved to the beginning of Szerdahelyi utca, where it will remain after the construction.
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Városépítészeti Iroda
1082 Budapest, Baross utca 63-67. III. em. 306.Learn about the second phase of the Street Planting Programme:

The second phase of the street planting programme starts
The second phase of the street planting programme starts
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