Residential-only parking in Külső Józsefváros

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Exclusive residential-parking in Külső Józsefváros

From 1 July 2024, the Residential Only Parking Zone system will also be launched in outer Józsefváros.

In 2023, the Municipality of Józsefváros began the implementation of the Residential Only Parking Zones. The change was first implemented in Palotanegyed, followed by Középső Józsefváros (Corvin-, Csarnok-, Losonci-, Magdolna-, Népszínház- and Orczy- quarters). From now on, we will also introduce exclusive residential parking in two neighbourhoods of Outer Józsefváros: Tisztviselőtelep and Százados negyed. A total of 534 parking spaces will be designated for this purpose in the two neighbourhoods.

What is residential only parking?

In spaces with exclusive residential parking signs, parking is only available to people with a residential parking permit.

When is the Residential Parking Only period active?

Every day between 6 pm and 7 am.

On which streets and in which sections will there be Residential Only Parking?

You can view a map of the areas affected by exclusive residential parking here


LocationNumber of Residential Only Parking Spaces
Szenes Iván tér 1 – 636
Magyarok Nagyasszonya tér 2 – 4
Győrffy István utca (odd side without numbers)42
Villám utca 2 – 26/b71
Elnök utca 12 – 2434
Benyovszky Móric utca 2 – 1820
Reguly Antal utca 2 – 2228
Bíró Lajos utca 2 – 2633
Vajda Péter utca 8 -10/b30
Total 294

Százados negyed

LocationNumber of Residential Only Parking Spaces
Ciprus utca 8-10.27
Ciprus utca 12-147
The odd numbered side of Ciprus utca in between Hungária körút and Százados út 6
Stróbl Alajos utca in between Törökbecse and Százados út40
Stróbl Alajos utca 18-22.  21
Százados út  8-14. 10
Százados út 20/A-24.24
Százados út 28-32.22
Százados út 29-37.19
Százados út 67-73.22
Szörény utca 2-4.14
Szörény utca 5-7.7
In between Tisztes utca Osztály utca and Százados út 21

Where is it indicated that only residents can park in these spaces?

There are signs at the beginning of streets and at intersections. In addition, information posters will be placed on these posts during the implementation period.

What is the fine and who controls it?

The inspection is carried out by the Józsefváros public space inspection. The Public Space Inspectorate will file a complaint with the relevant police station against anyone who violates the ban.

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