Summer day camps in Józsefváros in 2023

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

The Kesztyűgyár Community House in Józsefváros will organise summer day camps for children aged 7 to 14 living in Józsefváros or attending primary school in Józsefváros again in 2023.

The camp takes place in Orczy-kert, Ludovika Campus.

Camp dates: Monday June 19, 2023 – Friday August 25, 2023 – in weekly sessions.

You can apply for more than one session.

Meal costs: 1400 HUF/day. This includes three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and snack). Meals are available for those with special dietary needs and food allergies. Children in receipt of the regular child protection benefit (RGYK), disadvantaged children (HH) and children with multiple disadvantages are entitled to a school discount.

There are no other costs for the camp.

Activities: crafts, dancing, drawing, painting, sports, excursions, quizzes, board games, drama, juggling, music and other interesting activities

What children should bring with them:

  • clothing and footwear appropriate to the weather (raincoats in case of rain)
  • water bottle with name on it
  • hat, cap or scarf against the sun
  • swimming gear
  • closed shoes and rucksacks are compulsory on excursions, as these will contain cold food on all-day trips.

Camp agenda:

7:00-8:00: on-call

8:00-8:30: assembly

8:30-9:30: breakfast

9:30-13:00: morning activities

13:00-14:00: lunch

14:00-16:00: afternoon programmes

15:00-16:00: lunch

The camp is open only to students who are healthy and do not show any symptoms of illness and who consider themselves healthy. In the case of a child showing symptoms of illness, the camp counselor may refuse to allow the child to participate in the camp. Participation in the camp is subject to a signed and completed health declaration on the first day of the camp, which will be given to you on the spot.

Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis. The application form must be submitted by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday of the week prior to the camp. Please note, this is also the last date for lunch payment.

Meal payments can be made over the week before the chosen rotation on the following dates (you can pay for several weeks at the same time):

  • Mondays, between 3pm and 5pm at the camp site (Ludovika Campus Education Centre)
  • on Wednesdays, from 7.30 am to 12 noon, at the Kesztyűgyár Community House (1085 Budapest, Mátyás tér 15.)

For the first session, meals can only be paid for at the Kesztyűgyár Community House.

More information:


Kapcsolódó dokumentumok
  1. Application form Utolsó frissítés: 2023. June 2.
    173 KB Word dokumentum

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