Renew your parking permit!

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Renew your parking permit!

Residents with a permanent address in the area of Józsefváros can get a residential parking permit for their car.

District residential parking permits issued in 2023 are valid until 31 January 2024. Therefore, residents can renew their waiting permits for next year earlier this year, from 15 November.


You don’t have a computer at home? You can use the computers at the Mayor’s Office Customer Service free of charge to renew your waiting permit!

Ügyfélszolgálati és Pályázati Iroda

1082 Budapest, Baross u. 66–68. +36 80/277-256 (zöld szám) +36 1/459-2100
  • In person at the Parking Directorate of JGK Zrt. 

Address: 1084 Budapest, Német utca 17-19.

Opening hours:

Monday: 9:00 – 17:00

Tuesday: 9:00 – 17:00

Wednesday: 9:00 – 18:00

Thursday: 9:00 – 17:00

Friday: 9:00 – 16:00

For further contact details:

Phone: 06-1-299-7000


How  does Józsefváros Municipality calculate preferential rates for district residents?

A Regulation by the Metropolitan Municipality determines the annual parking fees for residents. It is 250 times the hourly parking fee annually. Józsefváros Municipality uses the Metropolitan tariff to calculate preferential rates for district residents for not more than 2 cars. The Metropolitan tariff is HUF 150,000 in zone “A”, HUF 112,500 in zone “B” and HUF 75,000 in zone “C”. Not more than 2 preferential parking permits can be issued for a residential address.

  • Matching the Metropolitan zones, which took effect on 05 September 2022, residential parking permits in Józsefváros have also been identified based on zones “A”, “B” and “C”.  [map]
  • Contribution to residential parking could be granted to residents earlier, but – as of January 1, 2023 – contribution to residential parking can only be requested for 2 cars at the same address. If somebody has more vehicles, they have to purchase a parking ticket or start mobile parking.

What is the fee of a discounted district residential parking permit?

A zone B zone C zone
Metropolitan parking tariffs 150 000 HUF 112 500 HUF 75 000 HUF
Preferential parking permits in Józsefváros Car 1 30 000 HUF 24 000 HUF 18 000 HUF
Car 2 72 000 HUF 60 000 HUF 48 000 HUF
Parking permits for residents moving into newly built houses effective from January 1, 2023. Car 1 150 000 HUF 112 500 HUF 75 000 HUF
Car 2 150 000 HUF 112 500 HUF 75 000 HUF
Parking permits for vehicles operated or leased by employers but in residents’ exclusive use* Car 1 75 000 HUF 56 250 HUF 37 500 HUF
Car 2 150 000 HUF 112 500 HUF 75 000 HUF
Parking permits for people in need of regular care or for their relatives Car 1 0 0 0
Car 2 0 0 0
Parking permits for large families Car 1 15 000 HUF 12 000 HUF 9 000 HUF
Car 2 36 000 HUF 30 000 HUF 24 000 HUF
Parking permits for pensioners Car 1 15 000 HUF 12 000 HUF 9 000 HUF
Car 2 72 000 HUF 60 000 HUF 48 000 HUF
Parking permits for the disabled Car 1 0 0 0
Car 2 0 0 0

*if no preferential residential parking permit has been issued for the same residence at the time of application

A map showing the zones can be found here:  MAP

Who cannot be issued a preferential parking permit from the Municipality?

District residents who are moving into residential buildings, which have been recently built and are to receive a permit to use after January 1, 2023, may not request preferential parking permits from January 1, 2023.    Metropolitan tariffs will be applied to them, because – according to effective legislation and by the decision of property developers – a suitable number of parking spots must be available for people moving into such buildings.

What does it mean for each car annually? It is HUF 150,000 in zone “A”, HUF 112,500 in zone “B” and HUF 75,000 in zone “C”.

In the case of vehicles owned, leased or hired on a long-term basis by the employer, but in the exclusive use of the resident, the district’s resident parking permit is subsidised by 50% in case of one  – if no reduced residential parking permit has been issued for the same residence at the time of application.

What does the reduced price parking permit mean for each car per year? 75,000 HUF in zone A, 56,250 HUF in zone B and 37,500 HUF in zone C.

When can you apply for further preferential treatment?

As a matter of course, Józsefváros Municipality has built exceptions into the new regulation, which allow application for further preferential treatment.

  • Residential parking permits will be 100% subsidized for residents or their relatives living in the district if they are in need of regular care in their homes because of their state of health or use regular outpatient services confirmed by their doctor. 
  • Large families in the district can claim a 50% discount on their first and second car. This means that they can
    • 15,000 HUF for the first car in zone A and 36,000 HUF for the second car;
    • in zone B, HUF 12,000 for the first car and HUF 30,000 for the second car;
    • in zone C, HUF 9,000 for the first car and HUF 24,000 for the second car.
  • Pensioners in the district can apply for 50% discount for car 1. Pensioner status is irrelevant in the event of a parking permit for car 2. It means they will have to pay
    • HUF 15,000 for car 1 and HUF 72,000 for car 2 in zone “A”;
    • HUF 12,000 for car 1 and HUF 60,000 for car 2 in zone “B”;
    • HUF 9,000 for car 1 and HUF 48,000 for car 2 in zone “C”.

You can find our answers to other frequently asked questions here: 

Further information: 

Józsefvárosi Gazdálkodási Központ Zrt. 

Német utca 17-19.

06-1 299-7000

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