Residential LED Replacement Program – Free LED bulbs for every household in Józsefváros

Last updated: (Létrehozva: )

Residential LED Replacement Program - Free LED bulbs for every household in Józsefváros

Take the opportunity to get free LED bulbs, reduce your electricity bills and take action to reduce your environmental impact.

The program is made possible thanks to the Municipality of Józsefváros and CYEB.

The use of LED light sources means a significant reduction in electricity bills, and, thanks to their lifetime of up to 10 years, their users produce much less waste than those who use conventional light bulbs.

With the calculator on the website, you can calculate the annual savings of using modern light bulbs in your home with just a few clicks.

Participate in the program: all households in Józsefváros can request free LED bulbs.


Registration period: 1 November – 15 December 2023.

How can you join the program?

Anyone with an electricity bill to their name can register on the site in a few minutes.

After filling in a few details and uploading some documents, the system calculates how many free LEDs a household is entitled to based on the annual electricity consumption and the number and usage time of the light bulbs in the home.

Important! On the last page of the registration, please select Józsefváros as the pick-up location.

The registration will become final when you confirm your registration by clicking on the link in the confirmation e-mail.

The company will process registrations until 15 January 2024.

Where and when can you collect the requested and confirmed LED bulbs?

At the Customer Service Office (Baross u. 66-68.), during March 2024, expectedly. The exact date of collection and further information will be communicated by e-mail.

We can help

Józsefváros residents who would like to apply for free LED bulbs but need help with the registration process should contact our Customer Service staff.

Our colleagues will assist customers in filling out the registration form and uploading the necessary documents on the computers, accessible to everyone, and with the scanners next to them.

Ügyfélszolgálati és Pályázati Iroda

1082 Budapest, Baross u. 66–68. +36 80/277-256 (zöld szám) +36 1/459-2100

If you would like the assistance of our colleagues with the registration and the request, please read the following information carefully and bring the necessary documents with you

  • a valid e-mail address (even if it is a relative’s) is required for registration – one that is regularly checked and to which the company can send a confirmation after registration
  • during the registration process, you will need information on the number of bulbs in the household for which you are requesting LED bulbs, their sockets, their wattage, and the number of hours the bulb burns
  • you will need an electricity bill (first four pages)
  • in the case of a rechargeable dial gauge, please bring two consecutive recharge documents
  • ID card (of the user on the account who will be the contracting party)
  • residence card (of the user on the account who will be the contracting party) – important: it does not have to be the same address as the place of consumption

Further questions and answers:

Frequently asked questions and step by step registration process: LINK

Further documents

  • Specific contract conditions:

  • Privacy Policy:

  • Authorisation to takeover:

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