Dear residents of Józsefváros,
The purpose of this booklet is to provide useful information to English-speaking speaking non-Hungarian residents of the 8th district (Józsefváros). Our district has traditionally been culturally and socially diverse, welcoming many ethnic and religious minorities and migrants. Today there are many foreigners living, working and studying here. Being well informed helps residents participate, advocate for their rights and feel at home in our district. We hope that this booklet will be useful to you.
If you need any further information, please contact
- the Office of Community Participation (“Közösségi Részvételi Iroda”) at reszvetel@jozsefvaros.hu
- the Customer Service (“Ügyfélszolgálat”) of the Mayor’s Office at ugyfelszolgalat@jozsefvaros.hu or Baross utca 66-68.
- or check out our website at jozsefvaros.hu/english
See you soon!
Municipality of Józsefváros / Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat
There are a total of 23 districts in Budapest. Józsefváros is the name of the 8th district of Budapest. Our district runs from Múzeum körút to Hungária körút (West to East) and from Rákóczi út to Üllői út (North to South).
Józsefváros has around 70,000 residents. At least 15% of the district’s population is not from Hungary. Our district is one of the most multicultural parts of Budapest in terms of religion, ethnicity, nationality and languages and we are very proud of this.
- Józsefváros Municipality website: jozsefvaros.hu
- to translate it into many languages, click on the Google Translate icon at the top right corner of the screen
- you can find selected news and quality English translation of useful information at jozsefvaros.hu/english
- English newsletter – subscribe to our English language newsletter to stay up-to-date on what is happening in the 8th district: jozsefvaros.hu/go/newsletter
Members of Parliament (Országgyűlési képviselők)
In Hungary, there is a Parliament where representatives from across Hungary vote on national issues. The members of the Parliament are elected in the national elections by a popular vote. The 8th district has two Members of Parliament:
Antal Csárdi
András Jámbor
National government (kormány)
The national government is formed by the party that receives the most votes in the national elections. The national government is responsible for many things that affect people at both the national and local level, including the running of schools and hospitals and providing financial assistance for example. They are also responsible for immigration issues. If you have questions about immigration, please contact the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság) at oif.gov.hu.
If you want to get in touch with the national government, you can contact them at any of the so-called government windows (“kormányablak”). There are two of these in the 8th district:
Kormányablak (government window)
- 1082 Budapest Baross utca 59.
- 1087 Budapest Kerepesi út 2-6. (at Keleti railway station)
- kormanyhivatalok.hu
Municipality of Budapest (Fővárosi Önkormányzat)
There are also local elections where residents get to vote on a mayor and local representatives in their city, town or village. In Budapest, there are two levels of local government: one for the whole city and one for each district of the city. The mayor of Budapest is elected by people living in the city who have the right to vote in the local elections (see the section Voting rights for further information).
Mayor of Budapest: Gergely Karácsony
The Municipality of Budapest is responsible for many things including public transportation, street lighting, sewage, street cleaning, waste management and services for the homeless and elderly among many other things.
Municipality of Budapest (“Fővárosi Önkormányzat”)
- budapest.hu
- ugyfelszolgalat@budapest.hu
- Customer Service: 1052 Budapest, Bárczy István utca 1-3.
Municipality of Józsefváros (Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat)
The 8th district has its own mayor and there are 17 representatives in the local assembly who are all elected by the residents of Józsefváros. They are elected by people living in the district who have the right to vote in the local elections (see the section Voting rights for further information).
Mayor of the district: András Pikó
You can find the names and contact info of the members of the local assembly here: jozsefvaros.hu/go/assembly (you can check your representative based on your address)
The Municipality of Józsefváros (“Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat”) is responsible for many things including street cleaning, kindergartens, park maintenance, social assistance and family doctors among many other things.
You can find information about the Municipality of Józsefváros here: jozsefvaros.hu
This booklet was produced by the Municipality of Józsefváros and we mostly focus on the services provided by the local government of the 8th district, but in certain cases we will also list some things run by the city or national governments and even include services by civil society organizations.
Your voting rights depend on your legal status in Hungary and whether you have a Hungarian address card.
Whether or not a foreign national can have an official Hungarian address depends on their legal status. People with the following statuses can establish an official permanent Hungarian address (they have a permanent address card or “lakcímkártya”)
- refugee (“menekült”)
- beneficiary of subsidiary protection (“oltalmazott”)
- long-term residents (foreigners having “huzamos tartózkodási jogosultság”):
- immigrant (foreigners having “bevándorlási engedély”)
- settled (foreigners having “letelepedési engedély” or “huzamos tartózkodási engedély”)
- interim residence card (“ideiglenes tartózkodási kártya”)
- national residence card (under the new Act, “nemzeti tartózkodási kártya”)
- EU residence card (under the new Act, “EU tartózkodási kártya”)
- European Union citizen
Asylum seekers, stateless people, those with temporary protection (“menedékes”) status and third-country nationals with a residence permit cannot establish an official permanent address in Hungary (they only have an accommodation registration form or “szállásbejelentő lap”).
In the national elections (when we vote for the Members of Parliament), only Hungarian citizens over 18 can vote.
You can vote In the municipal elections (when we vote for the mayor and members of the local assembly) if you are
- a Hungarian citizens over 18
- a refugee
- a long-term resident (immigrant or settled status, interim, national and EU residence card holders)
- an EU citizen
over 18 and with an official permanent address in the 8th district.
EU citizens can also be elected in the municipal elections (refugees and third country nationals can’t run for elected office).
In the European Union elections, all EU citizens with an official permanent address can vote for representatives in the European Parliament. If you are a citizen of another EU member state and want to vote for a Hungarian representative at the EU elections, you have to make an official declaration about that.
For more information on voting rights and the process of voting in Hungary, check the official website of the National Election Office in English, German, French and Spanish: valasztas.hu/web/national-election-office
When are the next elections?
Expected date of the next local elections (when we vote for the Municipality of Budapest and the Municipality of Józsefváros): June 9, 2024.
Expected date of the next European Parliament elections (when we vote for the Members of the European Parliament): June 9, 2024.
Expected date of the next national elections (when we vote the Members of the Hungarian Parliament): 2026
The Mayor’s Office (“Polgármesteri Hivatal”) is responsible for providing the administrative services of the Municipality of Józsefváros.
Please contact our registry services (“Anyakönyvi iroda”) if
- you want to get married in the 8th district
- your child is born in a hospital or at home in the 8th district
- your relative has passed away in the 8th district
You can ask for a permit from the municipality to:
- open a business
- use public space for a cultural or commercial event
- run an Airbnb or a hotel
- store a container on the street
- install an air conditioner with an outside-of-the-apartment unit
We can also help you with
- paying local taxes – if you buy real estate in the district, please make sure to contact our Customer Service!
- social and financial assistance
- housing applications
- different ways to participate in local public life
This is not a full list! You can find all of the things that you can do at the Mayor’s Office here: jozsefvaros.hu/ugyintezes
Mayor’s Office
1082 Budapest Baross utca 63-67.
Customer Service (“Ügyfélszolgálat”):
- 1082 Budapest, Baross utca 66–68.
- +36 1/459-2100 (Central number)
- +36 80/277-256 (Toll-free number)
- ugyfelszolgalat@jozsefvaros.hu
- jozsefvaros.hu
Opening hours of the Customer Service
Monday: 8am-6pm
Tuesday: 8am-4pm
Wednesday: 8am-4.30pm
Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-1.30pm
Your legal status in Hungary determines what kind of health services you can access for free in Hungary. You can find an overview of the Hungarian health care system here: egeszsegvonal.gov.hu/en
If you are a refugee, beneficiary of subsidiary protection or any other third-country national and need help accessing health care in Hungary, please contact:
Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants
1066 Budapest Ó utca 39.
+36 20/450-7245
Health care for children
- GP pediatrician (“gyermek háziorvos”)- family doctors for children
You can contact the GP pediatrician based on the address where you live.
- Heim Pál Children’s Hospital (Heim Pál Gyermekkórház) – on-call services for children available 24/7
1096 Budapest Üllői út 86.
+36 1/264-33-14, +36 1/264-74-81
- Department of Community Dentistry (Fogászati és Szájsebészeti Oktató Intézet) – children’s dentistry on-call services available 24/7
1088 Budapest Szentkirályi u. 40.
+36 1/317-66-00
Health care for adults
- GP services – family doctors for adults
You can contact the GP based on the address where you live.
- Szent Kozma Health Center (“Szent Kozma Egészségügyi Központ”) – outpatient clinic with a great variety of services (e.g. internal medicine, dermatology, gynecology, ENT, oncology, urology, labs etc.)
1084 Budapest Auróra u. 22-28.
+36 1/790-4600
- Interambulance – on-call family doctor services for adults available 24/7
1084 Budapest Auróra u. 22-28.
+36 1/215-16-44
- Department of Community Dentistry (Fogászati és Szájsebészeti Oktató Intézet) – children’s dentistry on-call services available 24/7
1088 Budapest Szentkirályi u. 40.
+36 1/317-66-00
- Három Sas Gyógyszertár (Három Sas Pharmacy) – on-call pharmacy available 24/7
1082 Budapest Baross utca 70-72
+36 1/313-7210
- Family Support Office (Családtámogatási Iroda) – financial assistance for individuals and families (always check for eligibility based on your legal status in Hungary)
1082 Budapest Baross u. 66–68.
+36 20/539-0533
- Family Help and Children’s Welfare Center (“Családsegítő és Gyermekjóléti Központ”) – if you need help with family, social or other problems
1081 Budapest Népszínház u. 22.
+36 1/333-0582
- Community laundry services – the two community laundries provide assistance to people who can’t manage the washing and drying of clothes and other textiles due to their social and/or housing situation. The laundry is open to anyone with a permanent or temporary address in Józsefváros. The laundry costs HUF 200 per load and each client can wash up to two loads of clothes per week.
1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 13.
1086 Budapest, Szerdahelyi utca 13.
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 1 pm
- Application for municipal housing – there are many different types of municipal housing applications for people in need (always check for eligibility based on your legal status in Hungary)
Asset Management Office at the Mayor’s Office (Polgármesteri Hivatal Vagyongazdálkodási Iroda)
1082 Budapest Baross u. 63-67.
+36 1/459-2567
- Józsefváros Housing Agency (Józsefvárosi Lakásügynökség) – private rentals at a reduced price with support from the municipality
1085 Budapest, Horánszky utca 13.
For tenants: +36 20/772-1191
For owners: +36 20/771-7382
You can find many services for children and their families in Józsefváros. Here are the most important ones:
- home nurse (védőnő) – specialist nurses for pregnant women and newborns
You can contact the home nurses based on the address where you live: jozsefvaros.hu/go/homenurse
- nurseries (“bölcsőde”) – high quality daycare for children under 3 years old (optional). There are a total of seven nurseries in Józsefváros at the following addresses:
- Mini-Manó Bölcsőde: 1083 Budapest Baross u. 103/a.
- Babóca Bölcsőde: 1083 Budapest Baross u. 117.
- Játékvár Bölcsőde: 1085 Budapest Horánszky u. 21.
- Gyermekkert Bölcsőde: 1082 Budapest Nagy Templom u. 3.
- Fecsegő-tipegők Bölcsőde: 1087 Budapest Százados út 1.
- Tücsök-lak Bölcsőde: 1084 Budapest Tolnai Lajos u. 19.
- Katica Bölcsőde: 1089 Budapest Vajda Péter u. 37-39.
Józsefváros Unified Nurseries (“Józsefvárosi Egyesített Bölcsődék”) headquarters:
1082 Budapest Baross utca 112.
+36 1/210-9188
+36 1/303-1767
- Sure Start Children’s House (“Biztos Kezdet Gyerekház”) – activity center for children in need under 3 years old and their families
1083 Budapest Szigetvári utca 1.
+36 1/631-0480
+36 20/240-4578
- Focus Community Space (Fókusz Közösségi tér) – community and learning space for children under 3 years old and their families
1086 Budapest, Magdolna utca 47.
+36 1/788-6918
- kindergartens (“óvoda”) – compulsory for children between 3 and 6 years old. There are a total of 11 kindergartens in Józsefváros. The designation of the specific kindergarten is based on your official address.
English Experimental Education
All of our kindergartens employ highly competent and educated teachers who use English Experimental Education, which involves a playful array of songs, rhymes, stories as well as lots of physical exercises that allow children to master the basics of the English language and expand their vocabularies almost without noticing it. Our teachers’ language skills not only help children speaking foreign languages to fit into their classrooms, but also help to achieve effective communication between teachers, children and parents.
Hungarian as a Foreign Language program
There is a also Hungarian as a Foreign Language program in every kindergarten, which helps the children of foreigners learn Hungarian at three levels:
- basic level for those with no prior knowledge of Hungarian
- helping those with a little knowledge of Hungarian
- preparation in Hungarian for entering school
Józsefvárosi Egyesített Óvodák (“Józsefváros Unified Kindergartens”) headquarters:
1084 Budapest Tolnai Lajos utca 7-9.
+36 1/210-0086
- Kesztyűgyár Community House (“Kesztyűgyár Közösségi Ház”) – community programs, summer camps and learning support for children and youth of all ages
1084 Budapest Mátyás tér 15.
+36 1/788-13-44
Primary and secondary schools
Schools are run by the national government. You can find a full list of primary and high schools in the district here: jozsefvaros.hu/go/schools
You can contact the government office responsible for primary and secondary education in our district.
Inner Pest School District Center (“Belső-Pesti Tankerületi Központ”)
1071 Budapest, Damjanich utca 6.
Financial support for school children
Depending your eligibility, the Municipality of Józsefváros provides financial support for:
- children in the 8th district starting primary school
- school meals and meals during school breaks for children in need
- attending a summer camp for children in need
Family Support Office (“Családtámogatási Iroda”)
1082 Budapest Baross u. 66–68.
+36 20/539-0533
Public transportation in Budapest is organized and managed by the Municipality of Budapest.
Józsefváros is very well connected with public transportation of Budapest. It is connected with three metro lines (2, 3 and 4) and the tram 4 & 6 and bus 9 also run through the district. The Keleti Railway Station is also here.
You can find all the useful information here:
BKK (Budapest Transport Center): bkk.hu/en
For up-to-the-minute travel information and to purchase a ticket, download the BudapestGo app or use it online: go.bkk.hu
Public bikes are also operated by BKK and they are called MOL Bubi. There are many Bubi stations all over Józsefváros. It is available 24/7 and you can cycle with a monthly or annual pass or at a pay-as-you-go rate. Find more information and download the app: molbubi.hu/en
For local residents
If you have an official permanent address in the 8th district, you are entitled to a residential parking permit at a discounted price or in certain cases for free.
Parking Directorate Customer Service (“Parkolási Igazgatóság Ügyfélszolgálat”)
- 1084 Budapest Német utca 17-19.
- +36 1/299-7000
- jgk.hu
- jozsefvaros.hu
- parkolasugyfelszolgalat@jgk.hu
For visitors
If you don’t have an official permanent address in the 8th district, you will have to pay for parking on weekdays. The parking fee varies according to the three zones established by the Municipality of Budapest – the closer you are to downtown, the more you have to pay.
You can pay for parking in cash at the machines, with your mobile phone or with the Józsefváros Smart City app for a discounted fee.
You can download the app from GooglePlay or the AppStore: jozsefvaros.hu/go/app
The Józsefváros Management Center (“Józsefvárosi Gazdálkodási Központ” or JGK) is responsible for the administrative, financial and arrears management processes related to the leasing of non-residential premises, car parks and other properties owned by the Municipality.
Contact us if you
- do not want to park on the street and need a parking space
- need a storage compartment
- want to buy or rent real estate
Our properties available for rent: jgk.hu/ingatlanjaink
Open tenders: jgk.hu/35-palyazatok
JGK Premises Management Office (“JGK Helyiséggazdálkodási Iroda”)
1084 Budapest, Őr u. 8.
+36 1/216-6962
Free beach at the Balaton
All visitors with an official temporary or permanent address in the 8th district can use the beach of the Municipality in Káptalanfüred free of charge.
If you would like to visit the beach in a group, please contact udultetes@jkn.hu in advance.
Józsefváros Municipality Beach
8220 Balatonalmádi-Káptalanfüred Sirály u. 8.
Free sporting opportunities
- Running circle
- Adult fitness
- Streetball
- Football (Soccer)
- Chess
- Pingpong
- Adult fitness
- Football (Soccer)
- Streetball
- Pingpong
- Football (Soccer)
- Adult fitness
- Chess
- Running
- Adult fitness
- Football (Soccer)
- Streetball
- Volleyball
- Handball
- Football (Soccer)
- Football (Soccer)
- Adult fitness
- Adult fitness
- dog runs – there are 16 dog runs in the 8th district. You can find them on a map here: maphub.net/JVsajto/jozsefvarosi-kutyafuttatok
- dog poop bags for free – please help us keep the district clean! If you have an address in the 8th district, you are entitled to 100 dog poop bags for free every month. You can pick these up at the following locations from the district guards:
- veterinary clinics
1082 Budapest Horváth Mihály tér 11.
1083 Budapest Szigony utca 2.
Veterinary clinic
1084 Auróra utca 14.
Veterinary clinic
1089 Bíró Lajos utca 41.
- recycling sites – sites to dispose of paper, plastic, glass, compost, used oil, electronic waste, medicine or clothes maphub.net/JVsajto/szelektivterkep-jozsefvaros
- used oil disposal – sites where you can dispose of used cooking oil: maphub.net/jozsefvarosionkormanyzat/hasznalt-sutoolaj-jozsefvaros
- Teleki tér market (Teleki László tér 11.)
- Józsefváros Kindergartens (Tolnai Lajos u. 7–9.)
- Hétszínvirág Kindergarten (Kun u. 3.)
- Pitypang Kindergarten (1087, Százados út 14.)
- Százszorszép Kindergarten (1084, Szűz u. 2.)
- Virágkoszorú Kindergarten (1083, Baross u. 91.)
- Gyermekkert Nursery (1082, Nagy Templom u. 3.)
- composting box – you can apply for a composing box for your own or your building’s use for free jozsefvaros.hu/go/compostbox
- community composting – you can join a composting community in the district
1084 Budapest, Tolnai Lajos u. 23.
1084 Budapest Auróra utca 9.
Teleki László tér
Teleki téri komposztbarátok: facebook.com/groups/249027710009048/
Losonci tér
Losonci téri komposztbarátok: facebook.com/groups/2754478321527590/
Event8 (“Rendezvény8”) Event Management Office
We organize free music, family and outdoor events. Meet us in all seasons!
Be part of our programs and experience the rich cultural atmosphere of Józsefváros!
You can find information about our larger programs, especially music programs on the English version of the Józsefváros Municipality website:
Józsefváros Museum – community museum
If you would like some peace and quiet, or you just want to sit down and look at photos, come and visit us. The Józsefváros Municipality places great emphasis on making the local history of the district and the works of contemporary artists accessible to the public and the wider community. A new cultural institution, the Józsefváros Museum, will be open to visitors in 2024.
Józsefváros Museum Temporary Exhibition Space
1085 Budapest, József krt. 59-61.
Find your event online!
Check out the following Facebook pages to be up-to-date on free community events and cultural programs in the 8th district
- Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat: facebook.com/jozsefvaros.hu
- Jóban Nyolcban: facebook.com/groups/824890054658931
- Rendezvény8: facebook.com/Rendezveny8
- H13 Kultpont (Cultural Center) 1085 Budapest, Horánszky u. 13.: facebook.com/kozossegh13
- Rév8 (Józsefváros Urban Rehabilitation and Urban Development Company): facebook.com/rev8zrt
- Közösségi Részvételi Iroda (Office of Community Participation): facebook.com/reszveteliiroda
Community spaces
Mira Intercultural Community
- 1086 Budapest Lujza utca 36.
- facebook.com/mirabudapest
- artemisszio.eu/mira/
- info@mira.artemisszio.hu
Közkincs Könyvtár
- 1088 Rákóczi út 11
- kozkincs.konyvtar@gmail.com
- facebook.com/kozkincskonyvtar
- kozkincs.konyvtar@gmail.com
Every year, residents of the 8th district can decide on how the municipality spends some of its money. This is called participatory budgeting (“részvételi költségvetés”). In 2024, residents will be able to decide about 180 million HUF. Everyone who lives in the 8th district over the age of 16 can participate (it’s enough if you live here, you don’t need to have an official address in the district).
Tell us what would make Józsefváros a better place! You can submit your ideas in English or Hungarian until February 10, 2024 and you will be able to vote from April 1 to April 20, 2024.
More info: reszvetel.jozsefvaros.hu
There are two traditional markets in Józsefváros where you can find fresh produce, meat, cheese and many other things.
Teleki tér market (“piac”)
- 1086 Budapest Teleki László tér 11.
- Monday: 7am to 4pm
- Tuesday to Friday: 7am to 5pm
- Saturday: 6am to 2pm
Rákóczi tér market hall (“vásárcsarnok”)
- 1084 Budapest Rákóczi tér 7-9.
- Monday: 6am to 4pm
- Tuesday to Friday: 6am to 6pm
- Saturday: 6am to 1pm
You can use the Internet for free to look for a job at the Kesztyűgyár Community House.
Kesztyűgyár Közösségi Ház (community house)
1084 Budapest, Mátyás tér 15.
Every Tuesday and Thursday between 9am and 1pm
Municipality of Józsefváros Customer Service (“Ügyfélszolgálat”)
(for your business with the municipality)
1082 Budapest, Baross utca 66–68.
Monday: 8am-6pm
Tuesday: 8am-4pm
Wednesday: 8am-4.30pm
Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-1.30pm
The Józsefváros Smart City app can be used for many different purposes:
- report problems in public spaces in the Community tab
- buy public transport and parking tickets all over the country in the Travel tab
- request the Józsefváros card in the Wallet
You can download the app from GooglePlay and the AppStore: jozsefvaros.hu/go/app
By using the Józsefváros Card (Józsefváros Kártya), you can support the district’s local businesses while receiving discounts at the same time. You can apply for the discount card as a resident over 18 years old with an official permanent address in the 8th district or as a student of any higher education institution located in Józsefváros.
You can apply for the discount card in the Józsefváros Smart City app. You can download the app from GooglePlay and the AppStore: jozsefvaros.hu/go/app
List of acceptance points: jozsefvaros.hu/go/jozsefvaroscard
You can take Hungarian classes for free at the following places:
Mira Intercultural Community
- 1086 Budapest Lujza utca 36.
- +36 70/411-7135
- facebook.com/mirabudapest
- artemisszio.eu/mira
- info@mira.artemisszio.hu
Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants
- 1066 Budapest Ó utca 39.
- +36 20/450-7245
- menedek.hu
- menedek@menedek.hu
You can also join the Teach & Learn Hungarian Facebook group to find a teacher: facebook.com/groups/1514552258777766/
Next Step Association
- 1092 Budapest Ráday utca 9.
- +36 70/325-5205, +36 70/323-7552
- nextstepeu.org
- info@nextstepeu.org
Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants
- 1066 Budapest Ó utca 39.
- +36 20/450-7245
- menedek.hu
- menedek@menedek.hu
- community groups and NGOs offer many services to everyone living in the district. You can find many of them here: jozsefvaros.hu/go/civicorganizations
- religious communities and churches also offer many services. You can find a list of them here: jozsefvaros.hu/go/religious
- officially recognized national minorities have their own elections and elected representatives. In Józsefváros, the 11 national minorities have their own self-government: Bulgarian, Armenian, Serbian, Greek, Roma, Slovak, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian, German and Rusyn. You can find their websites here: jozsefvaros.hu/otthon/nemzetisegi-onkormanyzatok/
If you need help or advice regarding your legal status or you have experienced discrimination, you can contact the following organizations for free services:
Hungarian Helsinki Committee
- 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 20. II./9.
- +36 1/321-4323, +36 1/321-4327, +36 1/321-4141
- helsinki@helsinki.hu
- helsinki.hu/en/howcanwehelp
Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants
- 1066 Budapest Ó utca 39.
- +36 20/450-7245
- menedek.hu
- menedek@menedek.hu
The Municipality of Józsefváros is a very open place and we have many volunteering opportunities. If you would like to help us with outreach or translation, please get in touch with the Office of Community Participation. You can get involved in the following activities:
- distributing flyers and posters
- promoting municipal events and programs
- organizing events and programs
- translating online and offline texts into multiple languages
Office of Community Participation (“Közösségi Részvételi Iroda”)
- 1082 Budapest, Baross utca 63-67.
- +36 1/459-2139
- reszvetel@jozsefvaros.hu
- Instagram: kozossegi_reszveteli_iroda
- Facebook facebook.com/reszveteliiroda
If you have any suggestions about what to include in this booklet or questions regarding the Municipality of Józsefváros, please feel free to contact us.
Office of Community Participation (“Közösségi Részvételi Iroda”)
- 1082 Budapest, Baross utca 63-67.
- +36 1/459-2139
- reszvetel@jozsefvaros.hu
- Instagram: kozossegi_reszveteli_iroda
- facebook.com/reszveteliiroda