Címke: Participation
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Címke: Participation
A(z) Participation címke a következő tartalmaknál lett felhasználva (összesen 54 alkalommal):

Neighbourhood Fest in Józsefváros
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Discover and tell the story of the Neighbourhood Fests in the district! People with a curious mind may be familiar with the genre in which residents take to the stage and tell a funny, touching or even horrifying story. This was the My Józsefváros Storytelling Night. The last time we had stories related to the […]

Summary of the public consultation on the new campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )On the instructions of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the Government of Hungary would build a new campus for Pázmány Péter Catholic University on the former site of the Hungarian Radio. This project is designated as a priority project under Hungarian law and is planned to be completed by September 2027. The project which aims […]

Vote for the winner of the “For the Communities of Józsefváros” award 2024
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The „For the Communities of Józsefváros” award is given in recognition of the sacrificial work of civil and community organizations, individuals, informal communities working for social justice, equality, inclusion, safety and security of Józsefváros, and for their outstanding achievements in environmental sustainability. The award was open to nominations until 30 June 2024. The winner will […]

Tell us your opinion on the new research centre at Semmelweis University!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Municipality of Józsefváros is opening a public consultation on the new research centre of Semmelweis University between 19 June and 10 July 2024. During the public consultation, a public forum will be held on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm at Stereo Művház (Budapest, Illés utca 36.). Voice your opinion […]

Make your nominations for the Józsefváros awards!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Every year, the Municipality of Józsefváros honours individuals and communities of outstanding merit. Starting in 2020, we will select the recipients through two different processes – one where the nomination is made by the residents but the decision is made by the Municipality, and one where the nomination and the decision are made by the […]

On 1 April 2024, voting started on this year’s participatory budget.
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )You can vote until Saturday 20 April. This year, 180 million forints will be decided by the people living here. Thanks to a workgroup of residents of Józsefváros, 40 of the 379 ideas received were put on the ballot. Each resident of Józsefváros has 5 votes. Two of these can be used in your own […]

Voice your opinion about the new campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Municipality of Józsefváros is opening a public consultation on the new campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University between 10 April and 10 May 2024. Two forums will be held during the consultation: first on 11t April from 18:00 at Ötpacsirta utca 2 and then on 7 May from 18:00 at H13. Voice your opinion […]

Attention! The deadline for submitting ideas for the participatory budgeting is 10 February
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Attention: the deadline for submitting ideas for the participatory budgeting is approaching, 10 February – have you already submitted your idea? The deadline is approaching; we want to hear your ideas, too! This year, the community is deciding on the fate of HUF 180 million. Take your chance! Tell us what developments, programmes, and initiatives […]

Józsefváros Neighbourhood Fest 2024
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Organise a community-building Neighbourhood Fest in Józsefváros! The Neighbourhood Fest initiative aims to strengthen and support communities in the district, empowering small communities, residential communities and neighbourhoods by encouraging the organisation of community events. Through the Neighbourhood Fest initiative we will implement community building, community development and community organising programmes. Community cookouts, gardening, music, board […]

2024 Józsefváros participatory budgeting launched – submit your ideas!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )On January 1, 2024, the third participatory budgeting was launched in Józsefváros. The call for ideas runs until 10 February 2024. This year, the community will decide about HUF 180 million. What would make Józsefváros more liveable and homelier? What community programmes, improvements and initiatives would you consider important? Do you have any ideas? Send […]

Community forum in English for foreigners living in Józsefváros
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Józsefváros is home to many people who are not Hungarian citizens. It has the highest number of foreigners in Budapest, around 9,000 people or around 15% of the district’s population. Foreigners living here have a wide range of legal statuses (refugees, residence permit holders, EU citizens) and speak a wide variety of languages, from English […]

The English-language newsletter of Józsefváros has been launched
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Municipality of Józsefváros has launched an English-language newsletter to keep the large number of foreign residents living or staying in the 8th district informed about the most important news and events in the district. The newsletter will be sent out to subscribers once a month for the time being. We hope that this will […]

Participatory budgeting 2024 will be launched on 1 January with a budget of HUF 180 million – Join in!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )On January 1, 2024, the Municipality of Józsefváros and the Office of Community Participation will launch the third participatory budgeting. This time, the community will decide on the fate of HUF 180 million. As in previous years: the submission of ideas comes first, followed by the voting part. Both require registration on the website. Please […]

The package of proposals for the development of II. János Pál pápa tér is finished – what can you expect in the square?
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The public consultation on the development of II. János Pál pápa tér is now closed. You can now read the package of proposals produced during the process and a summary of what can be expected in the square in the near future. What was the aim of the public consultation process? The Municipality of Józsefváros […]

Local residents will decide about 180 million HUF in the 2024 participatory budgeting
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )According to the decision of the Council of Representatives on 21 September 2023, residents of Józsefváros will be able to submit ideas for spending HUF 180 million in the 2024 participatory budgeting. This means that the budget will increase by HUF 30 million from 2023. An important change is that next year the same amount […]

Multicultural Józsefváros: tell your story!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )[A cikk magyar változatát itt találja: https://jozsefvaros.hu/otthon/hirdetotabla/hirek/esemenyek/2023/10/multikulturalis-jozsefvaros-meseld-el-te-is-a-torteneted/] The story of Józsefváros is our story. For the fourth time, the storytelling series My Józsefváros welcomes participants and listeners on 26 October 2023 in Népszínház utca. The choice of location and theme goes hand in hand – there is hardly a wider showcase for the multicultural Józsefváros […]

Opening of Víg utca – September 16, 2023.
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The traffic behind the Rákóczi Market Hall will be changed in the first half of the month, street furniture will be placed on the street and a joint asphalt painting will be held. The opening of the street will be at 13:00 on Saturday 16 September 2023, with a fair and pottery session. And in […]

This year again: free bike rides in Józsefváros
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Would you like to get more familiar with the traffic rules and urban traffic situations? Learn for free from professionals! Practice urban cycling with trained guides from the Hungarian Cycling Club. Become a confident cyclist. Learn the rules of safe cycling. Cycle around the squares and streets of Józsefváros with an experienced guide. Bebicycling 2023 […]

Autumn bike breakfast in Józsefváros
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Hungarian Cyclists’ Club, together with its local organisations and partners, is looking forward to welcoming you with a cycling breakfast or snack in dozens of locations across the country. The Józsefváros Municipality has joined the initiative again, so on September 19, 2023 from 7 a.m., we are waiting for all cyclists at the corner […]

Pick Up Yourself Józsefváros! Action week against dog poop
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Join the Pick Up Yourself! Action Weeks between September 11-17, 2023 to call the attention of local dog owners to the importance of collecting dog poop! During the action week, you can put up awareness-raising Pick Up Yourself signs all over the district on your own, with your friends or during a joint action organized […]

This is what the new garden at Koszorú 26 will look like
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The municipal lot at the corner of Koszorú utca and Magdolna utca is currently partially used as a parking lot. In this densely built-up area, the Municipality of Józsefváros is creating a park that will provide recreational opportunities for people with small children and dogs. The plan to transform the corner plot was open to […]

New community garden opens in Józsefváros
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Józsefváros Municipality is creating a new community garden at the corner of Kőris utca and Kálvária utca, where 40 plots are looking for a new owner. If you would like to apply to become a bed host, please contact kozossegikertek@kek.org.hu. „Grow your own fruit and vegetables in the city!” With this call for gardeners, […]

The Józsefváros council has approved the results of the 2023 participatory budgeting
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )In October 2022, the council members of Józsefváros decided to allocate HUF 150 million in the municipality’s 2023 budget for the implementation of a participatory budget. This year, on July 13, the members of the council made a decision about the results of the six-month process. During the campaign, which started in February, 233 ideas […]

Again: Adopt a public space in Józsefváros in 2023!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The maximum amount of support per application is HUF 200.000,-. The application form is available here. The form of support is a non-repayable grant. The duration of the adoption is one year from the date of conclusion of the Grant Agreement. The amount of the grant awarded will be paid out by means of post-financing. […]

Citizens’ needs assessment on the development of Százados negyed – have your say!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )A magyar nyelvű kérdőívet itt találja >>> The Municipality of Józsefváros is launching a development concept and related steps for the Százados negyed. This includes 1) a questionnaire for residents, which will be followed soon by 2) a questionnaire for other stakeholders (companies, institutions). The aim of the municipality is to define the short and […]

Józsefváros Cooking Competition – Teams are welcome!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Municipality of Józsefváros is organising a cooking competition again this year. Location: Mátyás tér Date and time: Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 10:00 to 15:00. Register your team by August 20, 2023 by filling in the application form at https://forms.gle/fgR6bpusTAGjhdyz7 Due to space limitations, the first 15 teams will be admitted to the competition. […]

Summary of the public consultation on the development of II. János Pál pápa tér
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The park on II. János Pál pápa tér is one of the most exciting, open and diverse green spaces in Józsefváros. The park is one of the most beautiful and most popular parks in Józsefváros, one of the most beautiful and most open spaces in Europe. The Municipality of Józsefváros would like to gradually renew […]

Here are the winning ideas of the 2023 Józsefváros participatory budgeting!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The voting for the Józsefváros Participatory Budgeting closed on June 15, 2023. The votes cast online and in person have been tallied by the Municipality’s staff and members of the district working groups: nearly 1,500 residents of Józsefváros cast more than 6,600 votes during the voting period! 916 people voted online and 549 in person. […]

Let’s celebrate together the winners of the 2023 participatory budgeting!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Let’s celebrate together the winners of the second Józsefváros Participatory Budgeting! Let’s celebrate all those who brainstormed, worked, volunteered, voted, participated in the programs or helped in any way to make the Participatory Budgeting a reality. Come to A Grund (30 Nagy Templom utca) on Friday, July 21, 2023 at 6pm. Let’s party, celebrate and […]

Participatory budgeting in Józsefváros – come and have a picnic with us!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Until 15 June 2023, you can vote in this year’s Participatory Budgeting for Józsefváros, where we will decide together how the district will spend HUF 150 million. Come and have a picnic with us. We are waiting for you on the following days: Saturday 20 May 2023 from 3pm: Have a hot-dog with us on […]

You decide! Vote in the 2023 participatory budgeting of Józsefváros!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )On May 15, 2023, the voting for the second Józsefváros participatory budgeting started. You have until June 15 to decide what the district should spend HUF 150 million on! All residents of Józsefváros over the age of 16 can vote online or in person. Online: After registering, you can vote on reszvetel.jozsefvaros.hu exactly here: https://reszvetel.jozsefvaros.hu/reszveteli-koltsegvetes/szavazas/aktualis-szavazas/ […]

Have your say in the development of II. János Pál pápa tér!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The park at II. János Pál pápa tér is one of the most exciting, free and diverse green spaces in Józsefváros. Many people use it for many different purposes – for sport, recreation, play, walking the dog or even for fun. The Municipality of Józsefváros would like to gradually renew the park in cooperation with […]

Make your nominations for the Józsefváros awards!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Every year, the Municipality of Józsefváros honours individuals and communities of outstanding merit. Starting in 2020, we will select the recipients through two different processes – one where the nomination is made by the residents but the decision is made by the Municipality, and one where the nomination and the decision are made by the […]

Adopt a public space in Józsefváros!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Our community programme for residents of Józsefváros and organisations operating in the district is continuing. The aim of the program is to support the caring for, greening, maintaining and cleaning up of public spaces by individuals and organisations for a period of one year. The support takes the form of a non-repayable grant. The maximum […]

The call for ideas in the 2023 Józsefváros participatory budgeting is closed. What next?
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The first phase of the 2023 Józsefváros Participatory Budgeting has closed. Between February 1 and March 20, residents, students and employees in Józsefváros were invited to submit their ideas, which could later lead to proposals and solutions. In the 2023 Józsefváros participatory budgeting, district residents can decide how to spend HUF 150 million. In order […]

Vote for the Office of Community Participation at the Creative Bureaucracy Festival!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )In the meantime, you can also learn about outstanding examples of modern bureaucracies from around the world. The Creative Bureaucracy Festival puts excellent, creative solutions to community issues and the people behind them in the limelight. Everything from small adjustments to big visions for the future are highlighted! The festival represents a shift from a […]

Problem exploration walk about dogs in the Csarnok neighborhood | Józsefváros Participatory Budgeting
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )In the 2023 Participatory Budgeting, district residents will have the opportunity to decide how to spend HUF 150 million. Let’s take a walk together in the Csarnok neighborhood and map the problems affecting the district, and let’s collect ideas on what improvements and changes are needed to make the area more liveable and lovable for […]

Let’s celebrate the communities of our district together!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The Office of Community Participation of Józsefváros Municipality, in cooperation with the Józsefváros Közösségeiért Nonprofit Zrt., is once again inviting applications for the organization of community events and programs that strengthen and support the ties among local communities. Application deadline: midnight on Thursday, March 16, 2023. Józsefváros is a diverse district, where dense urbanization limits […]

Józsefváros participatory budgeting 2023 is launched!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Participatory budgeting is a way for community members to have a direct say on how the municipal government uses a certain part of its budget. The process is repeated every year and involves projects proposed and voted on by residents. In 2023 Józsefváros residents will be able to decide about how the local government should […]

Help us organize the Józsefváros participatory budgeting project!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )In 2023, there will be a new participatory budgeting process in Józsefváros, where residents of the district will have the chance to decide the fate of 150 million HUF. Participate in a unique process where we improve Józsefváros based on the ideas of residents and find solutions to the problems of the district together! Become […]

Józsefváros participatory budgeting – evaluation videó
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Self-reflection videó – this is what we have called this video among ourselves. „But why is there always money for participatory budgeting?” Why is it important? And for whom? If you still have questions like these, we recomment that you watch the short film and we hope you get answers. If not, we will be […]

Here are the winning ideas in the first participatory budgeting for Józsefváros
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )The vote on the first participatory budgeting for Józsefváros ended on July 24, 2022. The municipality’s staff and members of the district working groups tallied the votes cast online and in person: nearly 700 residents of Józsefváros cast more than 2500 votes during the voting period. The order established based on the votes determines which […]

Have some pancakes with us at Bacsó!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )What are we offering? You can vote for the first participatory budgeting of the history of Józsefváros until 24 July. Let’s have some pancakes together at the opened section of Bacsó Béla utca from 10 am on Saturday, 23 July, the day before the closing of the votes. Let’s celebrate each other and ourselves, have […]

Have an ice cream with us on Pápa tér! | Participatory budgeting picnic
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )When? Saturday, July 9, 2022 between 3 pm and 5 pm Where? II. János Pál pápa tér Do you also rather brainstorm with a drink outside in a park than alone at home? Join us on a picnic: Let’s get to know each other, learn about the behind the scenes of participatory budgeting, let’s talk, […]

Make your nominations for the Józsefváros Awards!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Every year Józsefváros Municipality awards individuals and communities with outstanding merits. From 2020, we are selecting the winners in two different processes. In one, the residents make the nomination, but the Municipality makes the decision; in the other, the residents make both the nomination and the decision, and the Local Assembly only approves the latter. […]
Summary of our public survey about the opening of Bacsó Béla utca
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )After the trial period, we conducted a survey to find out how the people affected evaluate opening Bacsó Béla utca, what their experiences are and what their suggestions would be regarding the future. Józsefváros Municipality opened the part of Bacsó Béla utca between Vásár utca and Bérkocsis utca for residents and catering establishments on a […]

The plans of Déri Miksa utca are completed
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )It is important for our public areas to be not only nice but also safe and green. At the beginning of 2020, Józsefváros Municipality decided to create a pedestrian friendly walkway with new functions on Déri Miksa utca between Nagy Fuvaros and Fecske utca. The process now enters a new stage. The final design and […]

Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros has been launched!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Local residents can decide how to spend 120 million HUF. Participatory Budgeting process has its own website: reszvetel.jozsefvaros.hu What is participatory budgeting? Participatory budgeting is a process through which community members can directly influence how a certain part of the district budget is used. It is a process that is repeated year after year, with […]

Lessons of four participatory processes in Józsefváros – 2021
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Four participatory processes from 2021 are evaluated by the staff of the Józsefváros Office of Community Participation. What did we learn? What would we do differently? Who are we? The aim of the Józsefváros Office of Community Participation is to strengthen the communities of the 8th district of Budapest and to involve local residents in […]

Call for proposals: Józsefváros Community Day 2021
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Apply for our grant to organize and develop your community in Józsefváros. The application deadline is Monday, November 29, 2021 Józsefváros Municipality considers the diversity of the district’s communities an important value and aims to support neighborhood relations and to strengthen the cooperation of different social groups. Therefore, the Józsefváros Közösségeiért Nonprofit Zrt. in collaboration […]

Share your feedback with us about the opening of a section of Bacsó Béla utca!
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Over the summer, the Municipality of Józsefvárosi opened one part of Bacsó Béla utca to pedestrians and local businesses. Please share your opinion with us until October 31. The Municipality of Józsefvárosi opened one part of Bacsó Béla utca between Vásár utca és Bérkocsis utca for a test period between June 8 and October 3, […]

Participatory projects – Report on citizen participation in the 8th District
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Research report and recommendations for Józsefváros about citizen participation by the student research team of Sciences Po. This report outlines the research of the Sciences Po team on the background of citizen participation and the case studies surrounding the topic from different continents. This allows one to understand the roles that actors play on different […]

Office of Community Participation – Report of activities – 2020
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Summary of our activities in 2020 including information, consultations, partnerships and dialogues with the local community. Magyar nyelvű összefoglalók munkánkról // Summary about our work in Hungarian: 2020. március-június >>> 2020. június-augusztus >>> 2020. szeptember-november >>> Józsefváros – an introduction Józsefváros was originally born as a suburb of Budapest bustling with commerce and industry and […]

Lessons of four participatory processes in Józsefváros – 2020
Utolsó frissítés: (Létrehozva: )Four participatory processes from 2020 are evaluated by the staff of the Office of Community Participation. What did we learn? What would we do differently? Who are we? The aim of the Józsefváros Office of Community Participation is to strengthen the communities of the 8th district of Budapest and to involve local residents in the […]